ContraryMaryMary Member


  • Missed my arbitrary March goal of 100 miles by a measly 5k, but as I thought I’d missed it by 20-plus kilometres I’m happy. I stated this month with a paltry 5km but that’s because I spent about 12 hours over Thursday, Friday and Saturday weeding and raking my entire 100sqm lawn, then filled a few low spots with a cubic…
  • There was literally a minute in it. Hardly early - I was cutting it awfully fine 😬
  • Parkrun this morning. Managed to miss the start (they started early), spent the whole time playing catch up, recorded a nice fast time but my official time was just over a minute slower.
  • Feel better @Mari33a - hopefully a good night’s sleep will shake it. I went around the block again today and am starting to feel a bit tired, but I am so much happier with my pace, and how I was feeling in myself. Rest day tomorrow.
  • Another good run this morning. Ran with a friend which was a nice distraction. Didn’t worry about my pace - I just chatted.
  • I had one of those annoying runs this morning - I didn’t really want to go so mucked about. I finally headed out and found myself absolutely loving it, but was subsequently short on time thanks to the aforementioned procrastination, so could only fit in 5K. I guess it serves me right.
  • Once more around the block for me this morning. A bit of a low energy day - it was a busy weekend - but heartbreak hill didn’t make me feel like crying so that’s a big win. Also, after plunging from high summer into rather chilly temperatures, the weather has sorted itself back into autumnal mode so it was cool but not…
  • That’s fantastic @7lenny7 - I’m so glad your run was pain-free (and optimally dressed). Your half was pretty impressive @tarun_yadavA - nice turn of speed and a great way to finish your streak.
  • Cute bubs @quilteryoyo I had Parkrun again this morning. Not as fast as I’d hoped to be, but I am running on tired legs. My return to five minutes per kilometre pace is a way off yet 😂. However, it was a small field, so my effort was good enough for fourth woman home.
  • This is my before and after - not as dramatic as some but the difference in fitness between these two pics is phenomenal. On the left, me running my first half back in 2010, aged 36. I was around 75kg and it took me 1:58. The photo on the right was taken in 2020, at 46. I’m about 62kg here and ran that half in 1:44. Three…
  • Another great run for me this morning. I’m so happy to have gotten to the root of my problem - who knew mechanics played such a vital role in rate of perceived effort? Now just to put a bit more effort in to get a new PB on my loop.
  • Well I’ve finally worked out what going on with my running - my form is way off. I realized during my run yesterday that I wasn’t rolling off my big toe so corrected that and promptly found my missing power. My tight hip was way less aggravated last night as a result. My back was still tight though. Today I focussed on my…
  • Good run this morning, conquered the horrible hill with only one walk break. Completed the 8km loop in under 50 minutes and without having to work too hard. Hopefully it means I’m coming right, or it’s a side effect of an indulgent weekend where I ate some pretty spectacular food! Talking of food, I love raisins and…
  • I don’t know what’s going on with me at the moment. I did my usual 8km loop this morning and once again it was just hard. My legs were ok, my lungs were ok, my heart rate was ok, but I just couldn’t. It’s not like I don’t want to run. I do want to run but it’s just difficult. I’ve been assuming this is recovery from my…
  • Thanks everyone. My actual birthday isn’t until Friday and I have celebratory runs planned until the end of April - drag it out I say!
  • I headed down to the Bay of Plenty yesterday with my sister to celebrate my birthday with her and my sister-in-law. Delicious dinner out and a few drinks afterwards with my brother and niece and nephew. We stayed the night in their bach (holiday home) which is a couple of kilometres up the road and then this morning I met…
  • Perfect running weather out there. Too bad my legs were tired. 7.5km done. Rest day tomorrow.
  • I finally saw my osteo and had my right hip adjusted - feels so much better. Here’s hoping it makes for an easier run tomorrow. Today’s wasn’t bad, but things are still harder than they should be and I was happy to find myself short on time and unable to do a full 8k loop. Settled for 5k instead. 1/3 8km usual loop,…
  • Amazing run @eleanorhawkins. I can’t believe you did that extra leg. Insane. Impressive. One thing I don’t quite get is how you were allowed to continue after you missed cutoff. In every event I’ve done with a cutoff there’s either a bus or van to take you back to base. Once you’re cut, you’re not allowed to continue on…
  • Yup, you’ll have to watch your step. However not all trails are technical - you might have it blissfully smooth and soft underfoot. In that case, enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. With trail running, it’s more than ok to walk the hills and stop and take photos. Even without this, your pace is likely to be…
  • That is so sad. I’m so sorry to hear this. I lost both my mother and younger brother to cancer 24-25 years ago so have an idea of where you’ve at (however, the death of a child has to be far worse). Watching them fight it, with its ups and downs, is heart-wrenching and exhausting. I’m glad to hear you’re finding a new…
  • Ha! @tarun_yadavA - there’s a lot to be said for being properly fueled. I’ve noticed I often run well the morning after a big meal - those delicious restaurant ones with loads of meat and fat. Too many cocktails would be a killer for me though - the wrong sorts of foods can really cramp (sometimes literally) your style,…
  • Yup, you did. I’ve followed you back - I find it fascinating to ‘see’ where the people I chat to online are running in the world! Welcome to the chat. I’m sorry to hear about your son and I hope he’s ok now. I’m glad you’re back on the running wagon.
  • Monday hit hard this morning. Slept in. Rush to get smallest ready for school. Late. A little laundry. Time wasting on interwebs. A second breakfast. Trying to find the motivation to preserve the summer produce glut. Tomatoes on stove. Summoning strength to begin strawberry jam. More laundry to procrastinate. Hopefully…
  • 12k in the forest this morning. A bit of a slog but I had a friend with me who helped distract me. Windy and super humid here today - a big storm front is coming in.
  • I did my first ever parkrun this morning, it's part of an effort to improve my overall speed. Since moving to the country over two years ago I have done no speedwork and it's definitely affected my pace. I completed it in a respectable time, 27:54, but that's about 40 seconds per kilometre slower than I was running a half…
  • So nice to see you back here @7lenny7 - I’m always impressed with your Strava efforts - especially with all that snow and ice. Yay for achieving your goal @daria0919, that’s awesome. @Teresa502, I loved your photos too - I’ve been wanting to walk some/all of the AT after reading Bill Bryson’s book but I’m not sure how my…
  • First runs on the board for March, or rather, first run logged for March (a cricketing reference that most won’t get). Feeling good today. Aches and pains behaved. Run felt the easiest it’s been in months. Hooray.
  • Urg. That was tough. A real struggle run this morning, which was disappointing given yesterday was a rest day. It’s mostly hormonal but my right hamstring is also a bit niggly. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Might do it one more light run or have another rest day.
  • My ankle was a little tight after yesterday’s long run (which was long and lovely and huuuuuuumid) so I thought I’d have a very gentle 5km while my daughter was at ballet. Headed off along the cycle way by the motorway then thought, rather than turning and having another 15 minutes of commuter traffic fumes, I’d run the…