

  • No we're in Virginia Beach... It's unlikely we'll ever be in UT
  • We haven't been stationed there, but my understanding is off base housing is really really difficult to come by with the BAH for there. Is there a reason you aren't planning to live on base?
  • I'll add you! Are y'all stationed at Hill?
  • I buy hazelnut flavored coffee and use 2Tbs. fat free milk instead of creamer
  • Thanks for all the suggestions and support! I am nursing and I upped my calorie goal manually in the MFP settings by 300calories. If after a week I notice my weight loss is too rapid or the hunger just isn't diminishing I'll bump it up to the 500calorie mark. Everything I've read says 300-500 so I'm just using that as my…
  • Got PCOS here too. It does make things a ton harder sometimes. My Metformin helps a lot thought :-) I just have to really pay attention to my carb and sugar cravings, the PCOS definitely amplifies that problem!
  • MGD 64... it's basically glorified beer flavored water. But it's easy on the calorie count
  • Hi I'm Jenn. My husband is in the Coast Guard... any other Coastie wives on here?? We're stationed in Virginia Beach, VA for another 18months. Already working on our shopping list for God Knows Where. Just had my second baby, and trying not to let the impending PCS and all the associated stress sabotage my weight loss…