Three thoughts: 1) you might be trying to make too many changes at once, and are eating too little for your body to handle the changes gracefully, or 2) you might be retaining more water, or 3) you might be eating more than you think, or more than you used to eat, if you're not weighing your food accurately. I'd calculate…
Even if you don't see the pounds come off right away, eating a bit healthier and exercising a bit more every day will make you MUCH healthier and happier in the long run! You can't see things like cholesterol plaques and cancer, but every scrap of work you put into your fitness helps keep those things out of your life and…
Thanks all! It's actually for my mom -- she is thin and exercises regularly, so her weight is okay, but she doesn't get much protein and can get fatigued sometimes. I keep up with my protein requirements with a lot of dairy and nuts but she's intolerant and/or allergic. She eats small amounts of lean meat and eggs, but…
Take care, let me know how it goes!
You could try swapping in higher protein foods for lower ones; eat certain cold cereals, steel cut oats, etc. with soy/cow's milk and that's a lot of carbs + protein, but low fat. It depends how your other 2 macros are doing; are you overeating carbs and undereating protein?
Effexor can take a while to kick in, especially at a low dose like one starts with, so don't do anything drastic (and certainly don't skip it or increase it) until you talk to your doctor. But do let your doctor know how you feel -- it's important to find a drug that works for you. If you can, write down your symptoms so…
I'd have a rough time with 1200 calories myself; I eat more like 1500. If you set your weight loss goal to 1/2 lb per week how many calories are you supposed to eat? It's possible you're trying to lose too fast.
There are lots of recipes out there for "sneaking" veggies into things, like putting shredded carrots or peas into mac & cheese, putting a bit of spinach into a lasagna, etc. Have you tried that kind of thing? With enough peanut butter carrots are delicious, homemade baked sweet potato fries are super yummy, and so on.
I'm a big fan of breakfast, personally; it gets my metabolism going for the day. Have you tried buying pre-cut frozen vegetables and cooking with those? You can just throw them in a pan with some spaghetti sauce and eat that on noodles, mix them with curry blocks and water then eat with rice, add a little chicken to make…
700 is super low... a lot of people get past the weight loss plateau by increasing their calories slightly, especially if they work out, and then the pounds start coming off again.
Sounds like you'd be better off just drinking green or herbal tea; at least they'll hydrate you!
That does seem high; my heart rate gets up in that ballpark when I run but I'm super out of shape, and my resting heart rate is in the 90s. :p Do you feel really breathless when you run, like you're honestly at your limit, or is it maybe a measurement error?
I agree with all the above; losing your period is a warning sign that you're not nourished enough, or are pushing your body too hard. I'd stick with a calorie intake where you still get regular cycles and your body functions normally -- you might lose weight even faster with a little more food, in fact! :)
You could look up recommended diets for distance runners; I imagine some mix of simple and complex carbs is needed to fuel you for long runs (not just sugar).
I'm 26yo, 5'3" and about 160lbs. Just getting back on the wagon after gaining some weight this last year. I'm aiming for my high school/college weight of 140lbs, and any motivation would be awesome!
It's not you, it's him, seriously. I gained nearly 20 pounds this last year and my boyfriend still is devoted to me, and thinks I'm sexy and fun to be around. The quality of your butt won't determine how good your relationship is, the quality of your boyfriend will; some men would cheat on a supermodel just because they're…
Just from glancing at your jpeg images, it seems like you might not be exercising at the right level to burn mostly fat. When you are working out at a low-to-moderate intensity your body will use fat stores more than if you work out really hard, according to the links you provided. That means that you should be running…
Oversmarter than me? Unpossible!
Good new goal! You don't want to get skinny just long enough to get married and then fall over dead, right? You want to have a long, happy, healthy life with the new hubby.
Also, you're quite young and you could still be growing, which may account for some of the appetite and the weight gain. Try to focus on nutritious food with lots of iron, protein and calcium -- if you can at least eat a couple fruits and veggies each day it might cut down on the junk food intake, too. :)
A lot of people put on some weight when they start college; have you heard of the "Freshman 15"? It's not inevitable but it's common, because there's a lot of junk food available and new stress in your life. Maybe you can find a workout buddy or a diet buddy among your classmates, or even just join an exercise club or gym…
Little "c" calories aren't technically food calories; we measure food in kcal or big "C" Calories, because an adult human needs a lot of energy to live and writing out all the little "c" calories we need would be a pain. If we were truly eating little "c" calories we'd need about 2,000,000 cal each day ie. 2,000 food kcal!
It sounds like you're at a healthy weight, and he's full of bull****. You're not fat or disgusting (you wouldn't be disgusting even if you *were* fat, and you're not!) and he's completely out of line. This sounds like a really good time to get a professional involved, if you're feeling so down on yourself -- getting caught…
If that meal plan is from your dietician, it looks like it could be pretty flexible and actually add up to a good amount of calories. I'd recommend asking your dietician about the calorie range she's aiming for; it's entirely possible she wants you to work your way up to eating 3000 calories a day, but just hasn't…
If you're on a psychiatric medication it's a good idea to do some kind of talk therapy regardless; it's safer and more effective than medication alone. I'm obviously not suggesting anyone stop taking a medication without consulting their doctor first, but it's not the whole package just to take a med and skip addressing…
Currently about 160lbs, aiming for 140lbs. I was that lower weight all throughout high school and most of college, but I've put on an extra 20lbs since then. Damn you, grad school... :p
CBT is awesome, and no side effects! As for the "anti-depressants" I wouldn't worry about the name of the drug too much -- there are a lot of meds that can be used for anxiety that aren't "anti-anxiety" drugs but which work quite well, even if they're technically for other things. I've taken anti-depressants and even an…
Other things that cause cancer: exercise, toast, breathing, "chemicals", food groups, small dogs... if you live long enough you're gonna get cancer, and usually your immune system will kill it before you ever find out.
Be careful not to skimp on nutrients -- just because you're getting enough calories doesn't mean you're getting enough iron, calcium, etc. to grow well, and your body could be rebelling against too-strict dieting because it needs more healthy food. I second the recommendation to see a doctor and get a professional involved…