I was sitting at a night club with some friends and we all ordered shooter shots that came with glow sticks to put around our wrists. Mine was extremely tight but we forced it. Well, it flipped off my wrist and flew across the bar and hit a guy in the head. THAT was when I realized I had to lose weight. Lost 17 lbs so far…
It's the same thing here. My boyfriend is standing by me to help me lose weight, but he doesn't need to lose weight, he is naturally muscular/skinny. For the longest time I would buy 2 sets of groceries, healthy for me, regular food for him and my son. Now that he is having health issues, he is slowly changing his habits.…
The same happens to me also. I found that when I forced myself to eat several meals a day, I was not hungry at all at night.
Store manager for a local pottery shop and deli manager.