

  • I'm 5'2 and the last time I got on my scale which was February 13 of this year I weighed 180lbs. I know I am overweight and I hate it . My biggest issue is my stomach. After I weighed myself I started the 30 day Shred with Jillian Michaels. I also took pictures of my stomach from the front and side view before I started as…
  • It does get easier after a few days of each level. Once you get to level 2 the first couple of days will be hard too because you are working your muscles more. I can feel myself getting stronger though. At the start of my 30 day shred it was a struggle and i couldnt do a regular push up..I had to do the modify version. In…
  • When I first started level 2 I couldn't do the push up either but she says if you can't do the push up just do the plank pose and come back up. Im on day 7 of level 2 and I am now able to get halfway down in a push up. It feels good that I can because its another way that shows I am getting stronger. Just do the modified…
  • Thats amazing! Good for you! Keep it up girl. You got this! I understand you not wanting to wait. I took pics after I did it on my day 14 and noticed it I had lost already when compared to the pics I took on the first day before I started. I'm getting antsy on wanting to take more pics and get on the scale but I'm making…
  • A friend of mine just finished the 30 day shred last friday and started the ripped in 30 Monday. I plan on doing the same thing. I wanted to let you know you can find most of Jillian Michaels videos on you tube for free. Thats what I'm doing instead of buying them. I would get on there and find something to do..they have…
  • I am on day 21, level 2, of the 30 day Shred! Its alot of work and when I first started I wanted to die but it gets easier..that is until level 2 and you feel just like you did at the start of the Shred but then that to gets easier. I was late on starting level 2 and have been on it now for 7 days. I plan on moving to…
  • I am on day 21 of the 30 day Shred. Im currently on level 2. I like it alot. After 2 weeks of doing it I saw a considerable change. I however forgot to take measurements before I started so I suggest you do that. I did take a front pic of my stomach and a side view of my stomach and also got on the scale before I started.…
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