Ginia5 Member


  • so this may sound crazy, but my kids eat it.... I make a soup puree with sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots and vegetable broth - I eat it as a soup, but I put it in my kids Kraft Dinner instead of milk and butter and they eat it every time (I still put the powdered cheese, or real cheese if a feel adventurous) -…
  • Hey - I've lost 43 lbs.... that's 142,385 toonies (the canadian $2 coin)
  • 40 lbs WOW!!! That's amazing --- and maintaining over the holidays is more success then many can hope for! - Try kick-starting your metabalism, exercise 2 or 3 times a day for about 15 minutes more than your usual - just do it for 2 weeks then make a new goal - good luck!