

  • What an inspiration, thank you for your post. Do you have suggestions for me, I'm stuck at 150, I can't run because of my knee pain...would the P90X be too much for my knees? They pretty much just hurt when I run (already saw my doc about it) I do jillian michaels dvds & the workouts don't bother me...things like mountain…
  • I've always heard that the salads when you eat out may be even more calories than an actual dinner plate. I'm ALWAYS starving an hour after eating a salad anyways. Seems like you need to choose foods that help you feel satisfied. I usually do the high fiber foods...just google and you can pick ones you'd like. If you know…
  • Agree, another good one is Boost Your do it without weights but it's still very challenging. I did a combo of the two and running and lost 25lbs. I wish she'd come out with more! Not sure of the Cals burned...I've wondered the same thing. I have also been putting in circuit training-general because that's…
  • Wow, thank you all for the warm welcome and congratulations to you that have lost so much...incredible! Thank you also "lka" I wish you thee best in your strives as well! :laugh: