

  • do you still get any reactions from food now? Oh yes, very badly. Have had migraines and diarrhea for about a week now from something i ate. fructose usually causes migraines, but the gut issues come in after 3-5 days.
  • No, nut allergies. We live on a farm so i am able to make all my own condiments, etc from our own garden and the livestock. I make meat juices as well.
  • Hi; I got very sick in March and almost died. I had uncontrolable diarrhea; fever, enlarged liver and kidney's. The doctors did nto think i would pull through. I was sick for 3 months, went on just tea and broth. They finally sent me to a GI specialist. I tested positve for celiac, but he didn't think that was my only…
  • i too have been diagnosed via the fructose breath test. while i am happy to know a diagnosis, the information and what can can't eat is so conflicting. I just reset my setting to track sugar; yet that is nto the same as fructose. Ate a brandywine tomato today. Will probably suffer. anyone else diagnosed that has also been…
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