Picture this... 10 corn tortillas cut into pieces fried in approximately 2 sticks of butter and lots of salt.... Another favorite of mine back then: 2 or 3 large potatoes, lots of butter, 2 or 3 ounces of sour cream and cheese on top of it, baked in the microwave.
If you feel like giving up then maybe you're not on the right path. I was obese way longer than you (25 years of my life) and tried so hard to lose weight, I pushed myself so hard that I quit each and every time. Never lasted more than a month that way and gained all the weight back and then some. What did it for me is not…
I think those of us who had a lot of weight to lose (more than 100 pounds) wanted to be invisible. I know I did... I dreaded the judgement, but that made me a better person too. I had to be more conscious about other people to make up for my appearance and they all see me as a very good friend and respect me and never said…
Obese all my life... all the diets I went on through in 25 years restricted me. I could go one month without cheating, not a single cookie, not even a potato chip... but the first time caved in, I went on a rampage as if to make up for a month of deprivation and went on to eat mindlessly and gained all the weight back and…