KoriS Member


  • 1.See a doctor OR Nurse practitioner 2. You might try glucosamine/chondroitin supplement...research is mixed but some studies show that it helps rebuild broke down cartilage and improve joint pain/stiffness. 3. Stay active...don't give up...research supports that weight loss improves joint pain/ function
  • P.S. I'm a snacker too, expecially late night!
  • Don't stop snacking..snack smart. My favorite snacks are almonds and string cheese, or fresh veggies and homemade guacamole. Don't overdo it on your daily calories, but try eating 5-6 "small meals" or 3 moderate meals with 2-3 healthy snacks in between. If you are eating healthy, you shouldn't fee deprived! You can do this!
  • What was your sugar? More importantly, what/when was your last HgbA1C??
  • I'm 5'3", 183 # and I wear size 16. Was previously up to 209# & size 18 was getting too tight. I think my size would be smaller if it werent' for my gut/spare tire....sometimes I think it's the only thing holding my pants up!! :)
  • I'm interested in hearing the answers to your questions too. I've been significantly under my calorie intake for the past few weeks, especially on the days I exercise (Zumba 4 days/week, plus interval or strength training 2 days/week). I'm very frustrated b/c my weight seems to have plateaued...I'm hovering within 2 pounds…
  • Last week I made mini egg casseroles. I used 4 eggs, lots of veggies (baby spinach, mushrooms, green & red peppers, onions, tomatoes), dash of hot sauce, sprinkle of feta cheese crumbles. Mixed it all together and baked in muffin pan (made 6 "muffins"). Came out around 80 calories, 5 gm protein per muffin. I put the…
  • I like the wicking fabric too, I get mine at Wal-Mart so they're cheap. I've also found that tighter fitting clothes are more comfortable, I used to wear loose baggy sweats and tshirts to cover all the bulges, but found that they were bulky and got in the way especially once I got good and sweaty! Now I don't care what I…
  • Salmon is high in fat (11 gms compared to 4 grams in the same size serving of chicken breast). But don't let that stop you, it is HEALTHY FAT and high in omega 3s which are good for your heart, cholesterol, and actually can help your weight loss efforts! It's the unhealthy trans-fats you want to avoid. Salmon is amazing…
  • Thanks, I guess I need to get a heart rate monitor. I've never used one before. Can you recommend a good/inexpensive one?
  • I've been doing a class through a local fitness center once a week, and I have videos that the trainer made for me that I have been doing at home 2-3 days a week. The at-home is ok, but I definitely push myself harder when I'm in a class. I'm actually starting a new class tonight at a different fitness center, which will…
  • Zumba is AMAZING!! I started doing it a few months ago and I think I'm addicted! :) The workout is a blast, fast-paced with up-beat music. I've found it much easier to be consistent with my workouts since I've found something I love...exercising is no longer a chore for me! And, since starting Zumba, along with a good…