

  • Welcome. Sure. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm addicted to food. It's as real as being an alcoholic or drug addict. I had to accept that in order to start recovering. I have to apply the 12 Steps. As far as dealing with cravings, the main thing I do is remind myself of something a wise woman told me - "the high only lasts a moment". If I give in, I'll feel guilty…
  • I don't drink because it's not worth the calories. I plan ahead by looking up the menu and nutritional info. If possible, I order the lunch portion instead of the full portion. If I'm feeling jealous of what my dining companions are eating, I remind myself that I've "given up my right" to eat that way (a variation on a…
  • I've lost all of my weight so far with no exercise; so, it's definitely possible.
  • Congrats! Awesome job getting your weight under control so young! Now you can really enjoy the next phase of your life!
  • :bigsmile: Lol. I love describing lost weight in terms of sticks of butter. I've lost 320 sticks of butter so far!
  • CONGRATS!!!! Very motivating! You look fantastic!
  • Thanks everyone!
  • My "ah ha" moment was when I stepped on the scale and saw 309 staring back at me. At that point I realized that if I didn't make immediate changes I'd end up 600 pounds and house bound or in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank. I want to watch my nephews grow up. I don't want my mother to have to attend her daughter's funeral…
  • All I can say is it takes what it takes to be ready to do it. I had to "hit bottom" before I was ready to go "all in" and start on my weight loss journey. I had to realistically look at the current and future consequences of my weight as well as think about what is important to me. That's what raised my motivation and…
  • Welcome to MFP and congrats on having the courage to start on this journey! I know how hopeless I felt and how scared of yet another failure I was when I first started this. I was at 309 pounds when I started and now 78 pounds lighter, I feel great and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I come from a family full…
  • My best suggestion is to be patient. I sometimes go thru slumps where my losing slows way down or even stops for a few weeks, but then it picks right back up again. Sometimes it helps to increase water intake.
  • I had the same issue until recently. I started eating dinner later (7pm). I also started a new "snack rule" - I can have one serving of a snack (one light yogurt, one cup of cereal, etc.) and then I have to wait thirty minutes. If I'm hungry after thirty minutes, then I have another snack and repeat the process. It's…