

  • Feel free to add me too! I am a huge clean eating advocate as well as a certified personal trainer! Once you eat clean and realize that it is a lifestyle and not a diet, you won't ever look back. I lost weight and gained confidence and now just use MFP to connect with people, get new meal/exercise ideas, and occasional…
  • I second YoungWife2012, meal planning is absolutely essential! I find that if I plan my meals in advance, I also save money at the grocery store because I am following a very specific list. It also eliminates the ability to mindlessly snack because all of my food is already prepared and portioned. Can't dip my hand into…
  • Nuts are my favorite go-to because they have a decent amount of protein and are one of the only ways that I incorporate fat into my diet. Try the 100-calorie packs of almonds or almond-walnut mix or make your own and bag them yourself. I always keep them in my purse in case of an emergency! I also love pistachios but you…