afeitar Member


  • I'm from the UK too! Liverpool :D I'm just trying to lose about 5lbs and tone up, so might end up re-gaining with muscle weight, but I'm also hoping to reduce my body fat (especially around my tummy!) . I rejoined the gym yesterday and can't wait to get back into some cardio and weights.
  • Have you tried growing your own kale? I bought little kale plugs from the garden centre a few months ago and have had quite a lot of kale off it, just growing in a small terracotta pot. Also, tesco do chopped kale and try your farmers market/green grocer in the winter for nice leafy kale (I prefer using full leaf kale for…
  • I like lots of salad veg as snacks - raw peppers, cherry tomatoes, raw carrots, etc. Also wholegrain rice cakes with peanut butter or humus. And fruit! I also sometimes make homemade nakd bars (similar to Luna bars I think in the US?) by combining dates and walnuts in a food processor. Delicious.