tinarae62 Member


  • thanks so much for your advice! yeah typically when I hike and do a workout in the same day I eat probably closer to 3000 calories. and I've definitely decided I should increase to at least 2500 a day to see progressive weight gain. and great idea about healthy snacks like you mentioned, I'll try eating more healthy foods…
  • thank you, I really appreciate you concern and kind words. I probably should have been more specific, but I was anorexic from the age of 14-18, and at nearly 20 years old now I still struggle with it occasionally. I have bipolar depression and anxiety so sometimes it's hard for me to eat. but on a brighter note I'm eating…
  • Yeah, I could be off a little, but I do eat what seems like a ton. And good idea, I'll start logging what food I eat from now on and see if I need to increase my calories more than I thought! thank you(:
  • Yeah, I could be off a little, but I do eat what seems like a ton haha. And good idea, I'll start logging what food I eat from now on and see if I need to increase my calories more than I thought! thank you(:
  • thanks everyone for the great advice! I'll try adding weights to my squats and lunges (hopefully it won't hurt my knee too much) and continue to increase the weight over time. I'll definitely try to increase my protein intake as well, and calorie intake in general. As a recovering anorexic this'll be hard, but I'm…