

  • I tried it today after reading this post and drank a 16oz bottle of water before lunch. It made me puke when I was done eating.
  • I could use some guidelines.
  • the above comment was for that specific person...not anyone else. I appreciate everyones helpful advice I was just irritated that the quoted person took my question for advice and turned it into an excuse.
  • Thank you for the advice, but I'm not using it as an excuse. I dont need to make excuses for anyone on this website I wouldnt bother. I'm obviously asking for advice because I want to exercise and I have to exercise but find it difficult and that's why I asked. Not because I need to give u guys a reason/excuse for not…
  • Prefer On. Its from the makers of that Head On headache stuff. Prefer On is made for scars and stretch marks and it suprisingly works REALLY well. It is only 6-7 dollars a stick and i cannot stress how well it really does work.