

  • Once again thank you so much you guys all gave me amazing advice. I will Keep doing what I am doing.
  • And just for the record im not trying to build muscle im trying to loose weight. I weigh 248 right as of sunday (started at 256) and I do RushFit 6 days a week. Trying to loose and keep muscle. So is 150g-190g protein a day a good goal to shoot for?
  • Thanks, I will keep that in mind!
  • Thanks - This made a lot of sense. So I shouldn't worry to much about my protein. I will probably aim to keep it below 190g. and come up with some more fatty things. It is really tough to find food that is fatty and does not have tons of protein in it. I mostly eat Meats like animal proteins, and Veggies and other various…
  • Thanks for all the replies!!! That was really fast lol. Ya I just wanted to make sure that I was not going over what I was supposed to. I lost like 5 pounds last week by doing it. Just want to make sure that I am doing it right. Read an article about why low carbs don't work and I guess it scared me a bit. So right no im…
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