hannah_chan Member


  • not sure if trolling... there are no foods which lead to belly fat. you cant even spot reduce in the first place. if you want to lose belly fat you're going to have to lose fat overall. you cant choose a certain area to lose fat, and eating specific magic foods is certainly a myth
  • this is totally correct. it's not just about weight, it's more about body composition that determines whether you look 'toned' or not. even if you are at your goal weight, if you have little muscle and most of that weight is fat then you will not look good. Make sure you lift heavy to maintain muscle since when you eat at…
  • Why does it matter what weight you are, if at the end you look better? If you lift heavy and build muscle, you may actually end up gaining weight since you are gaining muscle - but you will look a lot better. Secondly, 1200 calories is WAY too low. No one should be eating at 1200 calories. What are your stats? Unless…