EHAMum Member


  • My daughter (then 8) had concussion last year. We were told 6 weeks no strenuous activity. I have no experience of symptoms coming and going. If I were you, I'd go back to the hospital.
  • Hi there, I don't have type 2 but have had gestational diabetes 3 times and my sister is type 2. My sister has lost a ton of weight since being diagnosed a year ago. She found through monitoring her blood sugar levels very closely that she cannot tolerate much carbohydrate at all. I don't know how much sugars my sister…
  • I agree, it is so important to be encouraging. There is nothing wrong with giving a baby as much love and care as you can. For night time, I highly recommend putting your mattress on the floor, and in a corner once your baby can roll. This is very important for safety - you can then lie baby in the safe corner and you…
  • Thanks! Will join there.
    in Couch to 5k Comment by EHAMum June 2013
  • Hi PeeWee, I think couch to 5k is really great! In fact I think it is essential if you want to get fit again. I started it a while ago on the recommendation of my cousin. She used it (plus a lot of food limitation) to lose a large amount of post-pregnancy weight. I have started and then stopped and then started etc using…
    in Couch to 5k Comment by EHAMum June 2013
  • Breakfast is difficult because it is carb-based. Here are a couple of things that work for me: (1) As soon as I wake up I take the edge off my hunger with a "real" (I grind the beans and make wonderful coffee on the stove) coffee. I have it half coffee and half full-cream milk. It's a lot of calories but the taste is great…
  • What's your name? Dorothy Where do you live? Australia What are your food vices/ cheats? Wine What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? 3 children What's your favorite exercise? Running What exercise would you like to try this year? I don't know. It has to be something I can do with a 3 year old…