countrygirl_2379 Member


  • Chad, Great to have you and your wife as part of the group! This Challenge is AMAZING and you will LOVE IT! Good Luck to you both!
  • WELCOME Doni! I Love that you are focusing on you as a whole. I also love that this challenge fits right into my beliefs and helps me stay motivated too! It's not a Race, it's a Marathon.... One step at a time..... A new way of life! Keep up the good work everyone! <3
  • I have had the same issue. FG8 only brings up the PBJ smoothie for me too.
  • I am not sure how to find the nutrition on here yet, but I can get the nutrition information from my smart phone my fitness pal application to see how much fiber, protein, etc I have had.
  • Welcome Rachel glad to have you here! What a great challenge this is! Four different states so far. You can do this! Make your WHY STRONG and read it Often it helps too. Good luck to all! :smile:
  • Hey there Sister! Keep up the good work! Your WHY is almost that same as mine..... Dad fighting heart troubles and then the Diabetes that took his life, and my Mom and her weight, smoking, diet, and Diabetes that almost took her life, and now both of our Brothers fighting diabetes.... WE CAN BE THE CYCLE BREAKERS of the…