Introductions! :)

Well Hello Everyone! I am Jennifer from Idaho. I have 5 children and 3 step children ranging from 2-17. I am excited to start this Journey with the Feel Great in Eight Challenge. My goal this year is to TAKE CONTROL OF MY NUTRITION! Where are you from and what is one of your goals this year?

I look forward to hearing from you. :smile:


  • Hey everybody, I am Laura from Oregon. Jennifer from Idaho is my sister. I have 2 children and one grandchild. Looking forward to being healthier in the new year. I want to lose some weight and banish sugar from my diet (or at least keep it under control :) ). I am into the decade where my mother was diagnosed with asthma and diabetes. I want to do what I can to try to prevent these diseases. Plus, I want to look good. So a little bit of exercise, a little bit of food tracking and dieting, and a lot of education about the best way to use them to get to my best health ever. Good luck all!
  • Hi All! I'm Rachel from Seattle! I'm excited to have something to keep me accountable for my health. I love that this challenge isn't just about weight loss, it is about being healthy in all aspects of my life. I have two kids, 3 year old girl, 1 year old little boy. No more excuses! I've never joined a support group, so hopefully it's helpful.
  • So happy to have you all here and part of the challenge! YOU CAN DO THIS!! :)
  • countrygirl_2379
    countrygirl_2379 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there Sister! Keep up the good work! Your WHY is almost that same as mine..... Dad fighting heart troubles and then the Diabetes that took his life, and my Mom and her weight, smoking, diet, and Diabetes that almost took her life, and now both of our Brothers fighting diabetes.... WE CAN BE THE CYCLE BREAKERS of the weight and health battle in our family! I want to be around to see my Grandchildren and play with my Great nephews and nieces, and be around for the rest of my family and friends too. Great Grandchildren will be fun too! Keep Rocking it! :smile:
  • countrygirl_2379
    countrygirl_2379 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome Rachel glad to have you here! What a great challenge this is! Four different states so far. You can do this! Make your WHY STRONG and read it Often it helps too. Good luck to all! :smile:
  • I am Doni from Utah. I have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. I want to get to a healthier weight for my body and mind. I love having something to keep me motivated. This is a great challenge because it focuses on the whole person. I want to be a whole person and not just a weight.
  • countrygirl_2379
    countrygirl_2379 Posts: 8 Member
    WELCOME Doni! I Love that you are focusing on you as a whole. I also love that this challenge fits right into my beliefs and helps me stay motivated too! It's not a Race, it's a Marathon.... One step at a time..... A new way of life! Keep up the good work everyone! <3
  • Hi there, my name is Chad. Currently we are living in Provo, but that will likely change this summer. I am doing this with my wife. She found it online somewhere and really wanted to do it, but wanted someone else to do it with her. This huge for her to want to do something like this so I said of course I would do it with her! We have 3 kids, boys 5 and 3 and a little princess 2. Yes I know a close age range. It is nothing short of chaos at our house all the time. I am a full time Graduate student at BYU and will finish the Nurse Practitioner program there this summer. I work part time while I am in school in the ICU at Utah Valley. One of the biggest reasons I am doing this is to get in shape and loos weight. How can I tell a patient they need to work on losing weight if I am severely overweight myself. I love that this focuses on the whole person form spiritual all the way to physical. I am looking forward to these challenges and finding a way in all of the chaos of school, work, family, and everything else to become a better me.
  • My name is Melissa, from South Jordan. I have a couple of very specific goals. Hopefully this challenge will help me meet those goals! I have 5 kids - ages 18 to 7. Oldest is in Ukraine right now, youngest is in 1st grade. Glad to join a group of like-minded people!
  • Chad,
    Great to have you and your wife as part of the group! This Challenge is AMAZING and you will LOVE IT! Good Luck to you both!