Sounds fun!! Name: Sibbie Age: 32 Height: 5'7 Start weight: May 1st....235 Goal weight: June 1st...222 Biggest struggles are both my birthday and mother's day!
Ohhh I am going as Lulu this year, my husband Auron and my 12 year old daughter as Yuna!!!
Greetings! I'm Sibbie. I play on PS3, XBox 360 and sometimes on my Wii. Love RPGs, shooters and platforming. Right now I am playing Ni No Kuni and Bioshock Infinate. Some favorite games would be Okami, Katamari, Borderlands, Final Fantasy, Dragon Age to name a few. There are so many great games coming out that I am looking…
Ohh Me Me!! I am working on a Lulu (FFX) cosplay right now as well as a Tardis one... So many belts LOL. There are a lot of cosplays that I would love to do but I don't feel fit enough and yes it it a big motivator!!
Tokyo in Tulsa is in Aug. I am currently working on Lulu (FFX) and some up in the air ideas are Medusa (Soul Eater), Busty Babe (Okami) and Sakuya (SAO)
It may be the glasses :) but I can see it
Much younger Tim Robbins
Wow I am blown away by all the support and responses! I sent requests to everyone and I am now feeling really pumped up! I really think that this will help keep me accountable its always better to be rooting for others and helping out! Thank you all so much
Hi!!! I just started P90X today too and am over 200lbs. I will add you! I am really excited to start and took my before photos and tried not to cry lol. I too noticed that the calories seemed really high. I used this website to figure up about how many calories I am burning and plugged that number…
Okay this may sound really obvious but... how much water do you drink during the day?
Awesome!! I sent you both requests!!
Thanks ladies!! I will add you both I appreciate it so very much!