Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Hello,

    I'm Brandon from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm 26 yrs old and majoring in Construction Engineering at Southern Polytechnic State University. You can catch me as a zombie in season 3 of AMC's The Walking Dead. I started using MFP today, and went out and bought the fitbit one tracker and the aria scale. Trying to get more into shape as filming for season 4 begins in May and I don't want to be the only overweight zombie!

    I'm currently 212lbs and my goal is to get down to at least 160. I'm only 5'7 so I'm way over my limit for my height right now. Also diabetes runs in my family and I'm trying to avoid that as best I can and losing this weight will definitely help with that.

    You can find me on Xbox Live playing pretty much anything. the only genre I really don't get into is MMORPG. Just never been into it really. My gamer tag is Rebel dawg.. Feel free to send me a friend request and let me know that you are from here and I'll be sure to add you and we can play and motivate each other!
  • JenMV
    JenMV Posts: 7
    Femshep you say.... Looking for me? lol
  • JenMV
    JenMV Posts: 7
    Oh hai there!

    I'm a 22 year-old Convention and Cosplay major with a minor in video game geekery. If you can't tell from my profile pic, I am a raging Mass Effect fan. I am 5'2" and looking to lose about 20lbs. Just started the 30 Day Shred, and I do Krav Maga every week. If you haven't heard of that, you should check it out! You learn how to be a complete murderous badass AND get a great workout!

    I'm really into cosplay, and that's part of why I am here pushing myself to get fitter. I want to really look smashing in that N7 armor.

    My top favorite games are and likely always will be the Mass Effect series, dragon age series, red dead redemption, Far Cry 3, and the elder scrolls games. Bioshock infinite is also making major headway into those ranks. I'm about 7 hours into it and hooked.
  • Izalie
    Izalie Posts: 2

    I'm Izalie, a 19 year old mostly rpg-er, though I do play other games from time to time. I'm currently 130lbs aiming to lose 24lbs. I play anything from Dragon Age, Oblivion, Zelda and Fable to Mass Effect and Star Wars Force Unleashed 2. I mostly stick to PC, Playstation and Nintendo 64. I am also a big fan of the Final Fantasy series from 1-10, my favourite being either 4 or 9.

    I would like to be confident enough to cosplay as Morrigan from Dragon Age and Dagger from Final Fantasy 9 as well as some anime characters (mentioned in my profile).

    Good luck to everyone with achieving their goals.
  • suzumichan1
    suzumichan1 Posts: 20 Member

    I am Brittany, 24 years old. I am mainly a stay at home mom and most the day (When the baby isn't fussing or bored with her toys) I play FFXI and Ragnarok. I used to play Lineage 2 a lot and I used to cosplay before I had the baby. I loved FF7-10 and 11 is alright at times. I am mainly a pc gamer now but I used to play ps3 all the time.

    My goal is to lose a total of 105 lbs possible more!~ So far I got 73 lbs more to go.
  • Gpowell03
    Gpowell03 Posts: 8 Member
    27 year old gamer here. My work is in front of a computer and often i will spend too much time gaming after work. I am looking for support, help and ideas to lose weight. I am new here. Please add me as a friend if you would like.
    I am an xbox guy. right now I am playing Defiance. It is a fun MMO game for the xbox.
    Message me for my gamertag if you wanna be friends on there.
  • kaosrift
    kaosrift Posts: 3
    Hello everyone! I'm KaosRift, by Kaos is fine :D
    I'm a 23 year old female gamer from western Louisiana.
    I'm 5'7" and my long term goal is to lose 150 pounds. I've lost about 15 since this time last year.
    I've been playing games since before I could walk, grew up on classic Nintendo and then the SNES. Used to play lots of platformers, but now I'm more into RPGs. Got a 360, PS3, wii, and 3DS. Lots of games for all. Currently playing through The Walking Dead for the first time, which mostly consists of me pausing it and yelling at boyfriend when I have to make a tough decision. Used to play WoW, but need a new PC. LOVE Diablo II, and my favorite game in the whole world is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
  • mjc65
    mjc65 Posts: 58 Member
    38 year old Vic20-Spectrum-Atari ST-Amiga-PC nostalgic gamer here (you'll never beat the music in Treasure Island Dizzy on the Amiga) with consoles of every description sitting under desks - rarely used. When not working, could previously be found running with necros all over Tyria,, and will probably be doing the same with Guild Wars 2 when time permits.

    Goal is to get back to being a lot healthier than I am right now.
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been on mfp for a little while now, but am finally getting around to saying what's up to you all. I'm mostly an rpg gamer: DQ series (monsters too), final fantasy and recently tired Pokemon for the first time (white version 2). I also like puzzle games and tactics games.

    I wanted to post that we got a call from our incredibly kind neighbor, per our suggestion he bought nino kuni and beat it and now wants to lend it to us :love: I'm super excited!!

    For workouts, I do strength training, Zumba, spinning and uphill treadmill sometimes.
    A pleasure to meet y'all. :flowerforyou:

  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    Hi I'm TheFabTam, I'm 24years old, and a Lady Gamer. I have LARP'ed but not for quite some time. (Berserker) Used to RP in some D&D and HEROS, but also was some time ago. Now I heavily rely on my xbox and DS for my gaming needs. I've lost 14lbs as of today and I want to lose another 65lbs. Wanna go from couch gamer to real world adventurer.
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    hey there, arief here. 28yo male and into gaming (esp. RPGs and FPS). been trying to lose weight over and over again so thats been irritating, but now its 'do or do not, there is no try' time. was 126kg at my heaviest, worked down to 105kg but after moving to another country i was out of whack and up to 120kg and now at 115kg (now). Hopefully i can make it down to 85-90kg in a while. good luck to us all.
  • chibbisibbie
    chibbisibbie Posts: 16 Member
    Greetings! I'm Sibbie. I play on PS3, XBox 360 and sometimes on my Wii. Love RPGs, shooters and platforming. Right now I am playing Ni No Kuni and Bioshock Infinate. Some favorite games would be Okami, Katamari, Borderlands, Final Fantasy, Dragon Age to name a few. There are so many great games coming out that I am looking forward to I can't stand it LOL.. I also love dice games D&D and Arkam Horror are great fun! I am new to MFP but I am hoping to lose roughly 60 pounds and tone up a bit. I also cosplay right now I am working on a Lulu (FFX) cosplay and will have to post pictures when done.
  • My name is Hayley, I'm 20 years old.
    I am currently in art school studying 3D modeling and video game design. I'm a PC gamer and I love anything made by Valve, especially the Half-Life series. My dream has always been to work for Valve someday.
    I used to play Call of Duty 4 competitively but stopped when I went to college. I recently fell in love with Far Cry 3 and I have found that I have a new appreciation for games on an artistic level.

    My goal is to lose 10 pounds and actually keep the weight off this time.
  • glowworm2008
    glowworm2008 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Bryanna and I'm a 24-year-old female.

    I've never tried to LARP, though I doubt I'd be any good at it since I'm a lousy actor. Lol. As far as RP goes, I've dappled in RP chat sites many times in my life and mainly play only RPG based video games. Examples; Dragon Age, Zelda, KOTOR, Mass Effect, Fable, etc.

    My weight has always been up and down. As a mother, it's been harder to stay determinedly active. I haven't had many opportunities for babysitters and such. Still, I've done a lot of exercising at night when they're asleep and take walks with them during the day. I'm trying to get back on track with the self discipline and willpower to stay with it. It's been a bit of a battle. Lol. Anyways, I believe I am around 130lbs now and trying to return to between 115 and 120lbs again. Being only 5'2", that's a healthy range. Soooooo... that's it. :)
  • Vex325
    Vex325 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 28 and have 3 kids. They are all real close in age so I didn't have much time in between to lose the weight. It really started to add up! At any rate, I have a limited amount of time to play a lot of video games because much of what I like to play I don't feel is appropriate for my kids to see. They are 3, 2, and 9 months so when they are up I pretty much stick to the Lego games. Once my husband gets home from work, he takes over the 360 so I have to wait until he goes to bed to play. When I do get the chance, I play The Elder Scrolls (I'm finishing up the achievements for Oblivion before I move on to Skyrim), and have a very long list of games I want to get to including the Mass Effect games and Bioshock. I'm a big chicken, though so we'll see how that goes. The first game I ever played was Duck Hunt with my dad. From there I lost interest for a few years until I discovered Castlevaina Bloodlines. After that, my obsession was Final Fantasy 7. I used to come home from school on Friday, start a new save, and stay up all weekend to try and beat it by Sunday. My proudest claim is owning a working Sega Nomad! I finally got Live for my birthday (really only because my husband wants me to help him get the online-only achievements) and my Gamer Tag is Lilitharia. I've also dabbled in some D&D, but I had a hard time getting into it because our group was very unstable. We played over but it wasn't the same as sitting in the same room with everyone. It was as good as we could get, though.
    As far as weight loss goes, I started out at 160 but would like to get down to 105. I'm just under 5 feet tall so that's apparently in my "ideal" weight range. I've never been that small in my adult life, though.
  • juliannorton1000
    juliannorton1000 Posts: 81 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Hey! Names Julian and I've been a gamer for mostly all my life. I've been in great shape all the way till I hit 20 and since then have been adding pounds, so now I'm here! My goal is to become more fit than what I was in the past and establish good, healthy, core values. I also wouldn't mind looking sexy for the ladies~ ;] That's aside the point, though!

    I'm 24 years old and a Sagittarius.

    I've never LARP'ed before, but I wouldn't mind trying, I suppose?

    Mostly I like playing RPG games, but I do a large variety of gaming anyhow; from FPS's to MMORPGs and MOBAs, too. I generally hang out with buds on Skype and play... whatever - lol.

    As far as weight loss goals? Well, my buddy Richie is actually aspiring to become a Personal Fitness Adviser and is in rocking shape currently, so he'll be guiding me to success! In return, I'll stop owning him at... everything. (JK Richie... JUST JOKING... RICHIE) Anyhow, I'm hoping to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. I was originally at 180 when I was fit, so I'm hoping to be about that, but with 10 pounds more muscle maybe?

    Aside from that, feel free to send a message to me about games/fitness or anything else! I'm trying to better sudmerge myself into a healthier lifestyle, so toss a message sometime. =]
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Hello fellow gamers,

    I'm Jason, male, 40. Been gaming my whole life and think I've owned just about every major game system to come out. :)

    I game on and off. After being somewhat hardcore in MMOs since The Realm Online (yes, The Realm Online) I've left MMOs behind for now. WoW & Rift just weren't doing it for me anymore. SWTOR let me down and DCUO, well, let's not talk about it.

    These days I'm into fitness gaming and have a site about it (

    Since getting serious about weight loss, I've dropped about 60 pounds. I have more to go and am using fitness gaming as a way to get my exercise in. I've also just started running this month.

    Surprisingly, I've yet to seriously date a woman who's a gamer. Might have to try it out sometime. :)

    I'm always up for adding friends, so drop me a friend's request. On my profile I also have links to my FB, G+ and Nike+ accounts.

    Game on!
  • dtroutman
    dtroutman Posts: 62
    My name is Dina and I'm 31.

    I never really played anything until I met my husband and he introduced me to WoW, which I really like. I also like Skyrim, Diablo, Plants vs. Zombies and we tried SWTOR but it wasn't as much fun as I was hoping.

    I need to lose 100 lbs and would just really love to meet people with the same interests and goals : )

    It would be fabulous if my husband and I met people close to us who liked to be nerdy and healthy : )

    If anyone wants an extra friend feel free to add me. Good luck to all of you : )
  • tokig0313
    tokig0313 Posts: 99 Member
    My name is Laura (tend to go by Tokig in most games I play - curse those who take the name before me!). I'm 28 and was introduced to gaming back in university.

    Mostly a retired wow geek these days. Just couldn't seem to get into this expansion given a change in work and well... playing Horde on a PvP server that's become pretty much fully alliance SUCKS and I haven't really had the desire to seek out a new home away from friends on another server.

    These days I keep busy mostly playing Settlers of Catan online with my boyfriend (also a gamer) and his friends, but we've been exploring a few other options for games we can play together online.

    I'm working on loosing 100+ lbs (end goal is likely closer to 150lbs). I've only recently restarted my focus on loosing weight, so I have a long ways to go.

    My first focus/goal is to fit into pants that are a size smaller (have dropped one size but don't have much in my closet that size... so wearing pants that are too big) so I can fit into about 7 pairs of pants that I currently own before seeing my boyfriend again in July.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    My name is Katie, and I'm your typical 27 year old (well in June) pc gamer. I like a wide variety of games (mostly rpg and mmorpg.) My main games are wow and gw2 atm. I've been geeking out over Arche Age for years, so I'm stoked they finally have a NA publisher - it's the one game I've really been looking forward to in a long time.