Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Name: Jenn
    Age: 25
    RP? A little here and there, but not in a while.
    LARP? No, but I want to!

    What are your weightloss goals?! "Just" (as if it's ever really a JUST) 11 lbs... for starters. My ideal weight (before giving birth) was 122, but I really don't think i'm ever going to be there again - it would be an additional 13 lbs after hitting my current goal. :P

    How many pounds have you lost? Not a gosh dang thing yet, haha. But I only joined yesterday, so I still have some time!

    Walk on the Beach? Sure? lol. If you're asking what I want to do to lose the weight, I'm into karate and taekwondo, and I started running a little over two months ago, and just decided to try some stationary bike to change things up and give my ankles a break.

    My games are WoW (well, used to. I quit several months ago when I found I was just too tired to raid all night.) Rift, Fable (1 and 2 - I really hated 3) Any FF, though 8 was my favorite. I did TOR for a bit, but the world made me angry. :P Honestly, I've tried almost every MMO on the market in the past 5 years. :)
  • jennipea382
    jennipea382 Posts: 47 Member
    Name: Jenni
    Age: 25
    Female or male: Female
    Gaming: I wasn't a HUGE gamer growing up, just things like the Sims, Mario Kart, etc. An old bf of mine got me into WoW back when it first came out and I've been playing it off and on since then (can you believe it's been like 7 1/2 years?!). I've been off and on playing Diablo III since it came out. I've tried other games (loved Fable III) but I always go back to WoW, haha. And to answer the other questions, I never really got into RPing (though I did kinda try once, but I'm not creative enough, haha) and not into LARPing at all.
    Weight loss goals: I'd ideally like to lose around 30-40 pounds. My main motivation is looking good in my wedding dress in March! I haven't really lost anything yet.. I keep fluctuating because I can't seem to stick with it :-(
  • merxiana
    merxiana Posts: 3
    I'm Alexis. I have 2 kids, (3 if you count the hubby) I mostly play WoW and D3... I am not really all that talkative... I'm more of the "creeper" type.. lol I like to read what other people write... I don't RP... not creative enough... Would love to LARP as a Succubus... Didn't start really "playing" until I got married 6 years ago. Grew up playing Mario, Mortal Kombat, and Sonic.
  • TheWaywardTexan
    Howdy! I am the Wayward Texan. Feel free to call me any nickname derived from that, any nickname you feel like inventing, or just "Dallas." I answer to many things.

    At present, I am a 26 year old miss with a feverish role play addiction. I typically stick with either table tops (D&D 3.5/4e, White Wolf, etc.) or online text-based free-form stuff. I have LARPed in the past and enjoyed it, but don't have a group at present. My video gaming habits are fairly old-school. I'd rather fire up my SNES or PS2 than anything else, but I do enjoy Portal and Dragon Age on my computer.

    I'd like to get down to a healthy BMI by dropping about 55lbs. Right now, I'm only at one or two. I'm not too worried. The first batch of XP is often the hardest earned.

    As far as a walk on the beach goes, I would be hesitant due to sand and sea monsters. The crabs might be good for XP, though.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    I didn't even know this group was here! This is also my very first group. =D

    Add me if you'd like!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Oh to add:

    Name is Cassandra. I'm 23 with two kids and a hubby.

    Been playing games since I was in diapers.

    I'm an rpg kind of gal but I don't mind an FPS now and then.
  • nymthiriel
    nymthiriel Posts: 42
    Hello everyone! Just got the invite, never been in a group on MFP before. I'm Jennifer, a 24 year old female from Duluth, MN. I'm a Computer Science major, Math concentration, with a Music minor. That's not geeky at all... ;) I don't RP or LARP anymore, but I used to be into Vampire: The Masquerade when I was 14 or so. I'm hoping to lose around 60 pounds, and haven't really lost much yet. :P I'm reaaaaallllly into Super Nintendo...I love the old-style games. I'm also a huge fan of Skyrim, Pokemon, the Final Fantasy Series, Eternal Sonata, Street Fighter...the list goes on...and on... I used to be a big PC gamer, but since I started college I find I can't really afford MMOs and updated specs anymore. XD It's nice to meet everyone here, and feel free to add me. Having motivation from geeks who are also trying to maintain the balance between a healthy life and gamer life helps. :)
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    My friends call me Moody. Everyone else calls me a son of a *****. 38 and I intend to be buried with my console. I play lots of rpg's, action, fps's. I've never RP'd or LARP'd--my wife's tolerance only stretches so far.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Nikki or Muse. Whichever.

    29. Originally from the UK, moved to the US. I met my husband on a webcomic forum.

    Console gamer mainly. Recovered WoW addict. Puzzle Pirates junkie.
  • Skywalker_Dub
    Hey everyone,

    I Just found out there is a gamer group and I was super stoked!!!

    My name is Jeff
    I live in Northwest FL
    I am 34 years old
    I don't really have a weight loss goal as much a body fat percentage goal. I would love to maintain 185 at about 8 to 10% B.F.
    I love running and working out every once and a while I will catch myself blowing off the gym to play a game( old habits die hard)
    Currently I play SWTOR and Call of Duty MW3 Always stoked for new gamer friends add me!
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member

    Greetings! I'm ZombieChaser, f/29 :)

    I've been stalking this group for a while, making sure I have enough gamer cred to be here. I've been gaming since Nintendo, started with Super Mario 1/Duck Hunt combo pack, then moved to PC gaming. My favourite game is Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age, although I'm quickly falling in love with SWTOR ;)

    Fitness wise, I'm a runner :) I just have to make sure I get my run in before I sit down to game.
  • rainwalkerSK
    Good morning :)

    Most people call me Rain or Rainwalker, and that's perfectly fine with me. My name is Sarah, but I don't expect anyone to remember that. I'm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Lucky me! :huh:

    My best Christmas present ever was a SNES, and it's still my favorite console. The library for SNES is the best in the world, IMO. Secret of Mana, Chronotrigger, FF3, Zelda: Link to the Past. I love games with a good storyline, and I can't do FPSers-- I'm too twitchy and nervous.

    I'm primarily a PC gamer now: WoW, SW:TOR, and Diablo 3 are my most consuming obsessions at the moment, although my workout time and my children have cut my gaming time way, way down.

    I used to play D&D, started with 3e in 2000, and played up through 2009 when my daughter was born. I really can't make time for tabletop gaming with two kids in the house (my son was born in 2011), so I've had to give that up. I miss it, but it'll still be there when my kids are older and more self-sufficient.

    Fitness-wise, I'm working my way through Power 90. The scale isn't dropping as fast as I'd like, but I can tell I'm getting stronger and my muscles are firming up.
  • SaucyPeas
    SaucyPeas Posts: 52 Member
    Good Morning!

    My name is Jeanne and Im in the DFW Texas area.

    I started out my addiction by playing I and I've played so much since's my list (If I can remember it all)

    Course everything that was ever made on The original Atari and Nintendo.

    Diablo 2
    Diablo 3
    Quake (I was a huge quake girl and went to quake con twice) I broke alot of keyboards and ashtrays playing this
    Everquest aka Evercrack. Played this game about 6 weeks after the first release and quit when EQII came out.
    Everyquest II
    Dark Ages of Camelot
    World of Warcraft (Hardcore raider) Played this from the first

    I also love card games online:

    I'm female and I'm 40 and newly single.

    My fitness goals are to lose over 100lbs and be healthier and sexier in my 40s! Im currently doing 30 day shred and working out at the gym.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    Who are you! Mindy, currently living in New Jersey
    Age? 29
    Female or male? Female
    RP? I use to ALL the time. I love it and miss it so much. Hoping to find a group some day that could deal with late night games (after kids go to bed!) Mostly played D&D and White Wolf systems, though played some of almost everything else
    LARP? Sort of. I was an active member of the Camarilla for a long time and yes, we went outside and played, but we never dressed up or anything like that.
    What are your weightloss goals?! Shooting for about 135ish, pending what realistic goal I get when I do the "bod pod" at my health and wellness center
    How many pounds have you lost? 50-55 ish since having my second child in August, 30 since MFP
  • namn
    namn Posts: 5
    Who are you!
    The names Nam you can call me Nam.
    Female or male?
    I would rp if I can find a group that can last longer then a couple weeks.
    Never tried it but it sounds like fun.
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Aiming to be around 140-150 and then I'm hoping to get a tone body.
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Started from 205 to hovering around 167 so around 38-40 pounds.
    Walk on the Beach?
    If I get a better body I would get on the beach every day.
  • jennyvondoom
    jennyvondoom Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Jenny, yes that is actually my name... on my birth certificate... some people don't believe that, I'm 26 and I'm currently a University student majoring in Media Design and Photography.

    I have done both LARP and old school forum RP but I really just don't have the time to keep up with either... plus LARP always turns into a popularity contest once your groups gets to over 20 people or so. These days I mainly play console and pc rpgs as well as interesting puzzle games (Katamari and Portal are possibly my favorite games ever).

    I have more of a size goal than I weight goal... I really want to be somewhere in between a standard women's size medium and large. To get to my goal I think that I am probably going to need to be in the 140-150lb range totally going on how other females in my family that I resemble structurally look at that weight.

    As of today I have lost 10lbs and it hasn't been too painful, just slightly inconvenient because I can't just dash through fast food on the way home after class now. So I have another 120 or so to go before I get within my ultimate goal range.

    I would love love love to go to the beach but I can never manage to con anyone into going with me. I have been heavy my entire life so the whole bathing suit thing doesn't phase me much and I'm not sure why it should phase anyone else either... get a tankini/wear a t-shirt if you're a little uncomfortable and get over it. There will always be someone on the beach 20 years older than you that shouldn't be wearing a bikini but is and if they don't care then why do you? =)
  • Who are you! Carissa, hi! :D
    Age? I am 29 years old.
    Female or male? Female!
    RP? When I can!
    LARP? If I can!
    What are your weightloss goals?! Lose 30lbs of fat and gain some muscle.
    How many pounds have you lost? I've recently gained back the 8lbs I lost.
    Walk on the Beach? I'd rather run on the beach. <3
  • adeptshep
    adeptshep Posts: 1
    I'm Lena, 33, female from Malaysia. I haven't LARP-ed but am starting to get into RPGs - CoC, PFRPG. I used to have a computer-related job but quit a few years ago to be a stay-at-home-wife :) I love video games and play mostly on the 360. I'm somewhat of an achievement 'ho but only for games I genuinely love to play.

    I put on about 40 lbs during the extended honeymoon period after getting married. Have managed to lose 10 lbs but need to step up my game so signed up here. Currently I'm not on any particular brand of diet. I workout using kettlebells - 6kg, 8kg - which are lightweight but do their job for now.

    Walk on the beach? I would but rather not head into the open water, despite being an ex-swimmer .. open water still scares me as I can't see the bottom!
  • CuddleMommy
    CuddleMommy Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Teresa. 34 year old female in Ohio.

    I've never LARPed (and probably won't), but I love my video games. Mostly console games, I have had a WoW account since vanilla WoW.

    Right now, my weight loss goal is to lose a total of 90 lbs., however, that's not written in stone. I've already lost 19 lbs since joining MFP.
  • skittlezjunkie
    skittlezjunkie Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm rivers, im 27.. I RP/LARP.. on playstation3, PC games, Board games.. either that or im working on machines.. I have a lot to loose for my weight goal and not sure how much i have lost yet cuz i havent been on a scale in about 6 months..