Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • nagle77
    nagle77 Posts: 8 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!




    I use to but not so much anymore

    No, never done LARP

    Weight Loss goals are to get down to 155, currently at about 173

    I've lost 50 pounds since I began.

    You bet I enjoy walking on the beach, but being as there is an extreme lack of beaches in Colorado I don't do it as much as I would like.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Who are you!

    Female or male?

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    I would like to lose another 10-15 lbs but am content at the fighting weight I am currently at.

    How many pounds have you lost?
    I dropped at total of 50 lbs since 1999.

    Walk on the Beach?
    I like them with the right female.
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm Sigga, 23 years old.


    I love P&PRP, faves being D&D and call of Cthulhu

    Never tried LARP but would.

    I started out at 75 kg, am 61kg now my goal eventually being around 48-50 (I'm REALLY short!)

    I love all kinds of games, a few favorites being probably Portal, Arkham asylum, Professor Layton, Harvest moon, Psychonauts and a bunch of others!
    Also a HUGE horror fan so I can get pretty obsessed over horror games and movies.
  • hardkitty
    hardkitty Posts: 25 Member
    Heay I'm Kitty - MEOW!

    25 and from the UK (now in Australia)

    I work in the games industry as well as being an avid gamer

    I love Minecraft, Silent hill 3 and Portal to name a few, and I'm forever messing on iphone games too

    I'm 2kg into my 8kg so far :)
  • MyNewZen
    MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member

    Ex avid old school gamer from Australia, still love it but have not picked up a controller in 6 months as fitness has become my thing.

    I have pre-planed to get my game back on with Diablo III, I just plan to play in moderation and only if it does not affect my exercise commitments.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Hi I'm Rachael. I'm 22 and am addicted to my xbox. I used to work at Gamestation so most of my pay went back to them since I spent most of it on games haha.

    My weightloss goal is to get from 161lbs to 126lbs :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Who are you! - Sean, Aspie, originally from South Florida, now living in Pittsburgh, PA.
    Age? 31
    Female or male? Male
    RP? Used to when I was younger
    LARP? Nah
    What are your weightloss goals?! Was 335 lbs at biggest. Now 218.
    How many pounds have you lost? 117.
    Walk on the Beach? No thanks =P

    I play mainly PC games. I don't own any of the current generation consoles and have no desire to buy any because the games I play are also for PC and perform better on PC. I do a lot of emulation of older cartridge based systems, but my big games are EVE Online and Battlefield 3. Character name in Battlefield 3 is SeanFaust, and in EVE Online it's Sean Faust. I don't play much of EVE anymore though ever since adopting a more fitness oriented lifestyle because MMORPGs in general tend to require too much of an investment of your time and personal life to succeed in which doesn't leave much room for an active lifestyle.

    You get it!
  • Peter3465
    Peter3465 Posts: 20
    Hi ,
    I am Peter 31 years old avid gamer , I am Male I love MMORPG's like WoW ,and Dragon Age played all of those. I have several consoles and PC titles . I am currently playing Star Wars the Old Republic, and Dawn of Discovery. I like strategy games as well.
    What are my goals to reach 250 like I was , I used to weigh in 585lbs, I am currently sitting 454lbs. It a war I am not willing to lose. I used to live on the beach , so yes I love barefoot walks on the beach.
    I cannot afford to play with the same dedication as in the past ,but I live vicariously through my friends and when I occasionally get chance to play myself. Oh yeah and I love Zombie movies and I am a huge walking dead fan. Other then that feel free to ask.
  • tai3
    tai3 Posts: 17
    Hi, I'm Kris -- or Tai. I'm a 41 year old mom, wife, WoW and old school table top player. Plus I'm a big "anything I can play on my android" person as well.

    I did Jenny Craig a few years ago and lost about 60 lbs, but have gained about 45 of it back. I'm focusing on increasing my activity (using the treadmill in the gym at the office mostly) and reducing portion sizes and eating healthier.

    I just started back on this journey on Tuesday - doing great so far :)

    45 lbs to go!! (225 to 180 - then reevaluate)
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 128 Member
    Hi I'm Cortney, 31 year old female, wife, mom. I have been using MFP since last year but haven't really utilized the forum until recently.
    I am into FPS, RPG's, Active body games (Wii fit, DDR, Just Dance, Your shape, ect...) and MMO gaming as well as application games, handheld games, and board games. Desktop computers, ipads, ipod, kindle, Nintendo DS, and Wii all have a place in my home. I don't actually play much of the table top but I really enjoy painting and sculpting game pieces and creating cosplay wear for my other nerdy friends.
    I have really enjoyed Skyrim, Guildwars, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Rift, and Left for Dead, Zelda, Final Fantasy. Toured WoW, LORTO, and SWotOR. Great stuff. Can't wait for GuildWars2. Still into Just Dance. My ipod and phone are filled with game theme songs, it's always interesting to see how people react when they come on over the stereo instead of in game (Woah isn't this Ocarina of Time?) Silly!
    Just over half way on my weight loss journey. I am going to keep trying!
  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    Age? 21
    Female or male? Male
    RP? On and off
    LARP? no
    What are your weightloss goals?! See sig
    How many pounds have you lost? 1....
    Walk on the Beach? It all depends on the SHOES!!
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I have gone by a lot of names, I was a total altoholic back when I played WoW. I have been about 2 years free of WoW with a minor relapse after I bought my house. Currently I don't have the net at my house because I was living a far too sedentary life. I work a desk I.T. job so not too much movement there. I made the call and making myself leave the house to use the net has been a great one so far.

    My gaming memories go all the way back to Tetris when the screen colors were just a yellowy orange and black, yeah, I started young. I have played a decently wide selection of games: computer, card (ie games like poker and like MtG), tabletop, board, PS2/3, SN, N64, GC, Wii, and heck let's put it out there iPhone. I enjoy watching games be played too but have a nasty habit of snatching the controller away if the player isn't doing something right. I'm a total gamer but most of my gaming now a days is just the occasional board game meetup group and a few random games on my iPhone. I tend toward puzzle and or platform games. Can't stand horror, turns me into a squeaking, flinching mess. FPS? I'd rather be shooting my real guns or my crossbow (not at people mind you.. Squirrels and deer, you've been warned). /nod

    Age?: 27
    Female or male?: Female
    RP?: I have before (online, tabletop)
    LARP?: Twice, I sucked at it because I kept breaking character in fits of laughter.
    What are your weightloss goals?!: Over 100lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? from my heaviest point I have lost 21lbs so far. Joined MFP yesterday so just started watching my food intake seriously instead just just kind of winging it.
    Walk on the Beach?: I am really more of a Mountain person but I can enjoy a good sunset and or walk anywhere.

    Looking forward to kicking buns(the bread kind :p ) and keeping a meal journal. Shouldn't be too different from a level grind right?
  • tai3
    tai3 Posts: 17
    Shouldn't be too different from a level grind right?

    Love this line :) Exactly how I'm looking at it. I will get there, it may take some time and I may get bored along the way but. . .
  • batmanfreak1
    Who are you? My name is Mike
    Age? 24
    Female or male? Male
    RP? yep, mainly tabletop though
    LARP? nope
    What are your weightloss goals? my goal is to lose 175 lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? I have lost 43.6 lbs so far

    I do a lot of gaming when I'm not working out, and if I'm not working out, I'm reading, watching movies, building models, yada yada yada.... lots of nerdy things. I absolutely love reading, every week I've got a new book to read. But I only read when I'm at work. When I'm home, I'm either watching a movie with my wife, or gaming. sorry books, no time for reading at home.
  • fitnspin
    fitnspin Posts: 27 Member
    More of a casual gamer here!
    I'm an 18 woman.
    I do roleplay when I find people to RP with and my favorite tabletop game for the moment is Gloom.
    I used to only play on old consoles or when on Linux the Battle for Wesnoth, Globulation 2, nethack and abandonwares but that new laptop has Windows, so I play Neverwinter Nights, Humble Dumble (somehow some of these never worked on GNU/Linux) and lots of cheesy games (the Clueless game) :D
    I love games based on TV-shows or movies or comics, even if they suck, or games about my others interests.
    I still do like abandonwares, though, Phantasmagoria is one of the non-cheesy abandonware I've played, and mystery/adventure point & clic like Theatre of Absurd (recently.)
    I like simulation games like Creatures, though I don't play much of it anymore I liked making agents and modifying my norns' files, once I actually made my own race :)
    I used to like Freeciv and Civilization when I was younger but not so much now... which bothers me a little, because I really liked these games.
    I don't LARP but I'd like to. I also like arcade games and MUD. My character on the SDF MUD is Olyfter.
    My weightloss goal is more getting fit and having "better" measurements (ie, near the ones I had before I stopped being physically active.) Anyway, if it was really for weightloss, my scale is broke!
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Hi all! I'm Jo :) I'm 24 and a single mom so obviously a female :) I had to stop playing WoW a few months back but I hope I can get back on soon! I currently weigh 195 and I'm trying to get down to 150. I also play Magic and for a while considered starting Warhammer but couldn't really find anyone around me to play with as well :( I live too far from the beach but if I did live there I would be running on it constantly. I currently try to eat well and walk on the treadmill a lot. I start school in the fall and after school (2 years) I will start to play WoW again tho maybe not as hardcore as I once was (lvl grinded for a week and got to lvl 85)
  • leigaia
    leigaia Posts: 9 Member
    Who are you! I'm Bart Simpson, Who the hell are you? I also go by Cristie or Zulu, Queen of the Dwarf People

    Age? I say 29...sometimes 25...the calendar says I'm 34.

    Female or male? Female with Kung Fu grip

    RP? I would love to get into those kind of games. Really want to play D&D but never have enough people to do so. My friends and I are small group and not many geeks in my neck of the woods. I do love board games, Card games...Magic the Gathering for example and VIDEO GAMES!! Gears of War is a total addiction for me.

    LARP? Never have but it's not out of the question.

    What are your weightloss goals?! To survive the impending Zombie Apocalypse. I want to hunt squirrels like Daryl Dixon and kick *kitten* like Michone. If that doesn't happen then it will be nice to have slimmed down to pursure my other goal in life to be a Vampire Slayer.

    How many pounds have you lost? 44lbs so far. I've been on my "diet" for 101 days so far. I've done it before and gained it back so I am hoping maybe this time I wont give up and end up shedding a lot more.

    Walk on the Beach? I love the beach. Someday I hope maybe I could actually run on the beach.
  • ashreycakes
    ashreycakes Posts: 12
    Who are you! I'm Ashley!
    Age? 23
    Female or male? Female
    RP? I used to
    LARP? I did in high school, it was fun~
    What are your weightloss goals?! 107 to lose
    How many pounds have you lost? 0. Waiting for next Tuesday to weigh in~ :)
    Walk on the Beach? Sure :)
    I play WoW mostly, got a trial for D3 that I've been playing a little bit and when I get paid I'll buy the full version :D For consoles, I got a Xbox360, DSi and a PS2. I play various games on each, including Skyrim, Alice: Madness Returns, DDR, Devil May Cry, Pokemon... yeah. Awesome.
    Feel free to send me a friend request, it would be cool to meet some cool new gamer friends in the same weight loss boat as me!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Hey all!

    - I'm Catrina, a 26-year-old female. I like video games, but feel like my job working 3rds and attempting to sleep/spend time with the BF/workout tend to take all my gaming hours. I'll be switching to 1st shift sometime in the near future - hopefully that'll open some hours.
    - I have a PS3 and laptop. Currently playing CoDMW3 (although I haven't been on in awhile), Diablo 3 and a text based MUD based off of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time book series.
    - I'd like to get down to about 130lb again.
    - A few years ago I was up to 170 (at 5'7") and I got down to 125 but I've slowly put some of that back on... 10 pounds of it in the last month :(
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Hi and thanks for inviting me :)
    My name's Stephenie
    I'm 29
    I love games. Different types. Right now I'm trying not to be hooked on anything, because they can really consume me, lol. But RPG's are probably my fave. And I'm anxiously awaiting Halo 4.
    I joined MFP hoping to lose 40lbs. (I'll re-evaluate when I get there) Then I want to tone up too.
    So far, I've lost 14lbs. Although the progress is slow, it's also steady and I'm hoping that will keep me in the proper way for the long run :)
    Walk on the Beach? - yes please :) But really I do usually once a week or more, hahaha.