

  • That's how I feel! I work hard all week long, I'm not about to have that all be for a 'cheat' day and undo the progress or worse! I try to give myself something indulgent from time to time as long as it fits in my calorie limit, say like a fun size candy bar because I love candy!! But I don't think cheat days are healthy.…
  • 1500-1700 may be too many calories. I do best at 1200 per day and I workout daily. But I am only 5'3..
  • I wouldn't recommend doing this often. It sounds like you are resorting back to the eating behaviors that brought you to the desire to lose weight in the first place. If you aren't making actual life style changes the your success will be short lived in my opinion. But to each their own. What works for one doesn't work for…
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