

  • also according to my personal trainer, make sure your heart rate stays between 135-150 otherwise all your doing is burning muscle. If you stay within range you'll see and feel that your actually gettting a better workout bc you'll be going at a slower pace
  • yeah. go by what the machine says because mine says 100calories/10 minutes . I use the eliptical at home and the one at the gym. They are both different brands of elipticals but both show the same amt of calories burned whether im at the gym or at home.
  • Hi. I know its depressing but tomorrow starts another week. I know we dont know each other but I weighed about 270lbs about 2 years ago. I got motivated and tired of looking at my Fluffy self in the mirror and lost 110lbs. The last 20lbs came off with the help of a personal trainer. He gave me a nutrition plan to follow to…
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