

  • My weekend was a bust also. Dinner with college friends on Saturday night, including an awesome margarita, and then a concert at House of Blues on Sunday night. Took a walk on Saturday afternoon and also some tipsy dancing at the concert! Not nearly enough exercise to offset my calorie intake, but I had a great time. Time…
  • Going to Boston for the weekend-eating out Saturday night and Sunday night, and drinks with an old friend on Saturday afternoon. Will be a challenging weekend for sure. I'm planning a good workout tonight and will have to workout extra on Monday when I get back! I want to enjoy the weekend without getting completely off…
  • Day 10 complete! Almost halfway to my 21 day goals, ALREADY! I'm proud that I've met my calorie goal every day, even going out to dinner 2X. I've also been consistent with my workouts for 10 days! Feels good!
  • Day 8/21 Great! Lost 2.8 pounds during the first 7 days! Went out to dinner last night and still maintained my calorie goal. I ordered what I wanted, but only ate half of it. The other half is a delicious lunch today!
  • Day 7/21 complete! 1/3 of the way to 21 days of reaching my goals! I feel so much better, more energy and a better attitude all around. It's good to remind myself that i really do like to work out!
  • I love FitnessBlender!
  • Day 6 on the books! Usually weekends are tough to stick to my calories, but I managed to stay on track all weekend. Looking forward to finishing out week #1 strong!
  • Day 3/21 complete! Finished with a 43 minute treadmill run and under my calorie limit for the day, so I had an evening snack! Feeling good and finding more energy every day!
  • its a great way to work strength training into a cardio day and keeps the blood flowing all day. I'm enjoying it too!
  • By the end of the day I had in 40 lunges, 40 squats, and 40 push ups! A good little strength workout, and if I do it every day it will add up to lots of squats and lunges for the week in addition to my regular workouts! Happy that you've joined me in this, let me know how you like it.
  • Day 2 a success. 35 minute crossfit workout, buns and thighs, UGH!! Avoided the almost bedtime snack again!!
  • Day 1/21 complete and a success! A 30 minute eliptical workout and I stayed in my calorie limit! I avoided a snack right before bedtime! Day 2-taking a short break every 2 hours at work to stretch and do 10 lunges, 10 wall push-ups and 10 squats. Strength training while working!!
  • I will begin today! 1) Workout 5x/week- 3 cardio workouts and 2 strength workouts 2) Log in Food and exercise every day 3) Plan meals and snacks to avoid munchie attacks 4) Recognize boredom eating and choose to go for a walk or workout instead of eating 5) Lose 6# 6) Drink a glass of H2O before each meal 7) Report in to…