margolane1932 Member


  • Here's the deal. More calories out than calories in = weight loss. But not always the right type. Fruits and veggies and starchy roots are all sugary and have carbs. But your body doesn't process them in the same way that it processes refined sugars. It's all about insulin which is produced to combat high blood sugar…
  • DON'T drink anything with tonic. Tonic is basically adding flavor and corn syrup to seltzer. Vodka or gin and soda with a splash of cran and a squeeze of lime is best for me. The splash of cran gives it a little more flavor without adding a ton of calories/sugar. I also, personally, LOVE a good dirty martini, which gives…
  • ALL the Acts are awesome! :) Joss Whedon makes the world a better place to live in.
  • Morningstar Farms faux-chicken products are the best! The chicken nuggets, and the chicken filet for sandwiches are soooo tasty. The veggie sausage they make is tasty too, but I don't remember what the patties taste like. Also...there's a smaller brand...can't remember the name...they sell it at Trader Joe's. It might…
  • I've been using this site for...between two and three weeks now(not very long, I know), and I've stayed exactly the same weight. I'm wondering how quickly you all started to notice a difference in weight/clothes fitting/et cetera. I know part of it is that I do a minimum of working out...never less 30 min. three times a…
  • I reccomend regular. It's fine to treat yourself every so often, and though both are bad for you, the large amounts of sugar are worse for a diet, but artificial sweeteners are worse for your body. Though I've found what MollyK said to be pretty true. 9 times out of 10 I can kill a soda craving with italian sodas. Cost…