Goal4Laura Member


  • So, I am a little frustrated with myself for not getting serious this first month. But, good news, I am on track and have done well since the 1st of February. Plan to be right there with you, come March 1st, when we report on the second month. A little slow at the starting line, but plan to catch up! :)
  • New to the group and glad to have others to "talk" to during this journey. I am currently 56 and looking at retirement in a couple of years. By then, I really want to be at my healthy weight so I can be active and enjoy my retirement. I can relate to the yo-yo dieting as I have lost and gained a large amount of weight in…
  • Completely understand. As you can see by my photo and profile "Yo-Yo No Mo!" I am in the same boat. This coming year I stop and really look at what I am doing to keep the weight on and make changes to get it off....for good...by my next birthday in July. Feel free to add me. We can support each other during our weight loss…
  • Hi there! I would really like to join you. I have been using this program for a while, but am just now getting serious about my goal. You see, I just turned 54. By my 55th birthday I would like to have lost 140 lbs. That gives me a year. So, let's encourage each other and get this weight off. We can do it, ten pounds at a…