bluelicorice Member


  • I'm 5'3", my starting weight was 196 and I'm now 146. My goal weight is between 125-135. I'll see how I feel once I hit 135. :)
  • Mine is for this woman I know from church who, when I was significantly overweight, used to make snide remarks about me being fat. And now that I've lost 50 pounds and am slimmer than her, she is saying I look old for 35. Would love to punch her!
  • Are you doing a ton of exercise? Because the only time my protein is recommended to be that high is when I've burned over 1000 calories in exercise for that day.
  • I had a thigh gap even when I weighed 175 pounds, and I'm only 5'3". Its my bone structure / body shape... I have wider hips coupled with slimmer legs and thighs. If my hips were narrower I would have to be a LOT skinnier to have the gap. It really is genetic, and I don't think it adds to your attractiveness or appearance…