I mean like to try and make a marraige work. I hear so many views like its good and its not. So i dont know if it would help a marraige or not. And no not like a hall pass lol
I started yesterday, but I don't know how how to track it in my excersice.. can someone help me and let me know how to track it?
the motovation is the hardesest part of loosing this weight i fnd.. because everynight i find i ay to myself, toorrow i am going to do it,, im going to get up in the morning and work out, but come morning im tired and feel lazy,, i feel like doing nothing an then ruins my whole days plan for my workout.. but i knw now i…
Sounds great, it's a tough long journey but with lots of support and motivation partners we can all do it :)
I wish there was a "like" button wow you look amazing :)
you look great! amazing work.
WOW :/