

  • Congratulations! You look great! Keep up the good work.
  • Okay, going to give it a try. This is my first challenge. I will post weight on Wednesday! :blushing:
  • The internet can be great, but it can also be your worst enemy. Don't try to self diagnos by what you see on the web. It can be very hard to work up the nerve to do something that scares you, but the quicker you get that appointment and go, the quicker you may find out that there is nothing serious going on. Good Luck!
  • I have done WW and I think this is the same principle. I like MFP a lot better because of the flexibilty.. I have been doing this for 1 week and lost over 5 lbs so far. I am not the stick to a meeting person, because I have boys that have crazy schedules. If you are a meeting person, it is a great program, but I think I…
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