

  • Hello Chatty826 I'm new to paleo just started one week ago after having stomach problems, i feel better wbu ? I really need someone to help me through this journey :)
  • i'm gonna be 19 in august , you can look and see my progress on my profile and also my story we can do it girl ;) By the way im plannning to start 30 days Shred for a month maybe from the 11th of July to the 10 th of August. Can you do a small review and say how everything is going before i start thanks girl
  • Hi , you still have to keep going. Remember no excuses ! I think that you've reached a plateau right now like I did for a month and a half , but after don't worry you'll keep losing weight ! You just have to continue your routine , eat your calories and it'll be fine. Remember that a pound of muscles is heavier than a…
  • Hi, i have the same goal , i'm currently 187 lbs , and i wanna be 154 , cuz i gained a lot of weight since i moved from my hometown to canada , lot of depression pressure , work , living alone in a new country... I was 197 lbs on the 21st January , now i lost 10 lbs since then , but i'm willing to lose more in 4 weeks i am…