Springs131 Member


  • You never go by what "MOST PEOPLE" do. That's your problem. Why don't you just simply *TELL YOUR SERVER* that you want some smaller bills? What is soooo HARD about that? You are acting like the waiter is supposed to JUST KNOW that you have no small bills on you.
  • You could have PREVENTED that by TELLING HIM you need some smaller bills like 5's, some 1's.
  • Sorry I 100% DISAGREE with you here. I personally don't want my dirty plate in front of me if I am finished. If you are a slower eater, blame it on the faster eaters, not on the staff. Also, if everyone felt like you, the wait for a table would DOUBLE because there would be no clean plates for the next people. You seem…
  • We go to the hostess's stand usually. Sitting there beyond 10 minutes is ridiculous.
  • First off, it's *YOUR* responsibility if you don't have other cash on you to *******TELL YOUR SERVER YOU WILL NEED SMALLER CHANGE. Are they a mind reader? We have smaller bills on us. If you give smaller bills, to me that shows how you are fishing for a tip and I hate when servers give you all ones let's say like when I…
  • This doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter what amount they have. It only matters that they are trying to get out of doing the FULL JOB(BEING LAZY).
  • I don't want people wasting my time. I want what I want for my money. Who goes to a restaurant let's say during their lunch break, only has that hour(let's say work is right next door, so you don't have to drive anywhere), you really want your server taking MORE TIME to do things you don't want, honestly? That could make…
  • After 15 minutes, I'd leave the restaurant or after 10 minutes, go to the hostess stand to try to find a server. They have already gotten zero if it's 20 minutes before they even started.
  • YOU have *******CONTROL********** ISSUES that you think you should FORCE someone to have something they don't want for their tip money. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT I WANT FOR ********MY TIP MONEY*******, HUH? I am not telling you how to spend your money, don't tell me how to spend mine! As I said, you aren't even…
  • Because I don't want it, DUHHH! It's in *****MY WAY AT MY TABLE********, DUHHH! It's*****MY TIP MONEY********, *************MY SERVICE************, so WHY SHOULD YOU FORCE ME TO TAKE SOMETHING I DON'T WANT, HUH? Do you have issues with controlling others? It's common sense, because I don't want it. I don't care if it's…
  • I am being serious here. If let's say you are at an Applebee's, grabbing glasses filling them with ice & water, then bringing them to the table only to be sent back is A WHOLE LOT OF WASTING TIME. That's why they don't automatically do it and you know it, because 99% of people don't want it. I am not even mentioning the…
  • It's still A LOT OF TIME. Go fill to glasses right now in your own kitchen, then think if it was a big restaurant, how long it would take to do this for EVERY customer. That's why in chains they don't do that automatically without ordering anymore. Back in the day, my mom was a waitress briefly and she said she'd get…
  • It's not just 2 seconds. Why would servers on the internet ALL OVER ***COMPLAIN***** about getting people water that they don't drink? Because it's A LOT OF WORK, IT SURE IS! Especially if you are getting waters for 10-20 people, that's VERY TIME CONSUMING! Where are you getting 2 seconds from? Also servers are complaining…
  • WHY? You can compensate for them. That's what I have done before. I went out with my husband and my friends before, which they cheap so they still are in the 15% mentality for wonderful service(not just mediocre service), so I go by their amount, tip the amount more than what they are to add it to 25% for example. You can…
  • Why would they give their server not enough to cover the bill? That makes no sense what-so-ever. It doesn't matter what amount. They shouldn't try to shorten their job. They should be WILLING to do their ENTIRE JOB without asking to shorten it. It's almost saying "Do I have to make an extra trip to get your change for…
  • But WHY does it bug you is the question? To me that's STRANGE. Why does it matter if someone sits by someone else on one side of the booth?
  • I 100% FULLY AGREE! I mean, our *****MONEY PAYING OUR SERVER*******, then OUR CONTROL, 100% ******FULL CONTROL********* over WHERE we sit at the booth or table we sit.
  • Why does this bother you? I mean if that's how they want to sit, it's **THEIR TIP MONEY*, so WHY does that bother you? WHY does that matter? I don't get this at all? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY don't? Could you please explain? Thank you for your explanation ahead of time. You sound VERY LAZY. I mean, that's part of your job.…
  • That's because you are lazy and uncaring.
  • People like me tip 30% and upwards at times for wonderful service. So you have NO CLUE of WTH you are talking about.
  • You still didn't say why you have such an ENTITLED attitude?
  • Usually that's the EXPEDITOR, not the chef. As far as that, it takes FOREVER because they keep having to go back to the kitchen for missing stuff, wrongly prepared food that's obvious so I send it back, etc. Look at this former waiter, read and weep:…
  • I totally agree here. I remember my mom at times didn't bring me to church because I was misbehaving, wanting to wander. Usually parents take their kids outside in church when they are crying, screaming, why can't they at a restaurant?
  • They can *ASK* for a ticket, DUHH! I would *ASK* for the ticket if I were a food runner. NO WAY would I want to get *****ed out from a customer. I also would *CARE* about what I was bringing out. I would compare the ticket to the food for any obvious errors. So you feel the person that is delivering your food shouldn't…
  • Why don't you just *ASK* if you could get a pitcher or bring 2 waters? I mean ice water is free, so why not just order MORE THAN ONE WATER, DUHH? Seriously, that's common sense. Why are you paying attention to the other guest? My gut tells me you are bored at the table to do that. Try to make your own fun at your own table…
  • You do know you can RELAY the message to our server, right? I can see how that can be *VERY* confusing a *FRUSTRATING*, but that is a server's job. I feel servers can help at least somewhat if they ask the party if they are all going to be on one check and not depending on the customers to tell you. Switching seats to me…