Restaurant Pet Peeves



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well, my kitchen is 3 miles away at the moment and it's rush hour, so it would probably take me quite a long time to do that, yes.

    I am being serious here. If let's say you are at an Applebee's, grabbing glasses filling them with ice & water, then bringing them to the table only to be sent back is A WHOLE LOT OF WASTING TIME. That's why they don't automatically do it and you know it, because 99% of people don't want it.
    Why would you send it back?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    I know people that are pros at getting free food. One little thing goes wrong and they will rip the place apart until they are comped. I've seen it. It's embarrassing and disgusting. It has nothing to do with the situation. It's sport for them.

    I find that disgusting too! I will NEVER go back out to a restaurant with anyone who behaves that way.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    Why would you send it back?

    Because I don't want it, DUHHH! It's in *****MY WAY AT MY TABLE********, DUHHH! It's*****MY TIP MONEY********, *************MY SERVICE************, so WHY SHOULD YOU FORCE ME TO TAKE SOMETHING I DON'T WANT, HUH? Do you have issues with controlling others?

    It's common sense, because I don't want it. I don't care if it's free. I don't want it, because I need the room on my table for what I *DO* want. I guess you have never had a crowded table with lots of appetizer plates, bar drinks, etc. that you hardly couldn't move with the person next to you, huh?
  • ceruleanjen
    When you go twenty minutes after being seated and are way past being ready to order and have to go hunt down your waitress, who you find in the back chatting with a co-worker. :-/
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why would you send it back?

    Because I don't want it, DUHHH! It's in *****MY WAY AT MY TABLE********, DUHHH! It's*****MY TIP MONEY********, *************MY SERVICE************, so WHY SHOULD YOU FORCE ME TO TAKE SOMETHING I DON'T WANT, HUH? Do you have issues with controlling others?

    It's common sense, because I don't want it. I don't care if it's free. I don't want it, because I need the room on my table for what I *DO* want.

    Sweetie, you have issues.

    Or else you're a very committed and specialized troll.

    I still say if I still worked as a server and you got stuck at my table, I'd find a Xanax to slip into your food. I wonder if your husband does that?
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Tell us how you really feel tho Springs.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    Sweetie, you have issues.

    Or else you're a very committed and specialized troll.

    YOU have *******CONTROL********** ISSUES that you think you should FORCE someone to have something they don't want for their tip money. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT I WANT FOR ********MY TIP MONEY*******, HUH? I am not telling you how to spend your money, don't tell me how to spend mine!

    As I said, you aren't even thinking about that people need room for the things they order. You are just so into just YOURSELF!
    I still say if I still worked as a server and you got stuck at my table, I'd find a Xanax to slip into your food. I wonder if your husband does that?

    I'd get you arrested. You are one mean person.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    When you go twenty minutes after being seated and are way past being ready to order and have to go hunt down your waitress, who you find in the back chatting with a co-worker. :-/

    After 15 minutes, I'd leave the restaurant or after 10 minutes, go to the hostess stand to try to find a server. They have already gotten zero if it's 20 minutes before they even started.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sweetie, you have issues.

    Or else you're a very committed and specialized troll.

    YOU have *******CONTROL********** ISSUES that you think you should FORCE someone to have something they don't want for their tip money. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT I WANT FOR ********MY TIP MONEY*******, HUH? I am not telling you how to spend your money, don't tell me how to spend mine!

    As I said, you aren't even thinking about that people need room for the things they order. You are just so into just YOURSELF!
    I still say if I still worked as a server and you got stuck at my table, I'd find a Xanax to slip into your food. I wonder if your husband does that?

    I'd get you arrested. You are one mean person.
    I have control issues because I wouldn't get worked up and freak out if a server brought a glass of water I didn't ask for?

    I never once said they *should* bring it (though that actually used to be standard in all restaurants until maybe 10 years ago). I'm only pointing out that it really, really, really isn't worth raising your blood pressure over it.
  • ceruleanjen
    My biggest pet peeve has to be when the greeter or host doesn't acknowledge you are standing waiting for them to seat you and continue doing what they're doing. Obviously then you don't need my business if that's the case. *walks out*

    Yep! Worse if someone they know walks in behind you and they rush to greet them while still ignoring you. Definitely walked out.
  • 12vikki34
    Waiters in England get min wage too, trust me it doesn't make them better at their job. The management add % automatically to the bill for a service charge, WTF. What I don't get though is that it's the staff in the kitchen that work the hardest and they don't see anything extra.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I don't see it as asking for a tip because 9 times out of 10 they haven't even looked at the cash when they ask this question. For all they know there isn't even enough to cover the bill!

    Why would they give their server not enough to cover the bill? That makes no sense what-so-ever.

    It doesn't matter what amount. They shouldn't try to shorten their job. They should be WILLING to do their ENTIRE JOB without asking to shorten it. It's almost saying "Do I have to make an extra trip to get your change for you?" To me, that's like complaining that they have to do WORK.

    Do you honestly think no one has ever intentionally or unintentionally not put in enough to cover the bill? Which is not even the point, anyway. I think you take things too personally, Cookie.
  • ceruleanjen
    When people you go with get annoyed with the food and try to take it out on the waitress by not tipping her. I have a group of friends that won't tip the waitress if they are unhappy with their meals...I'm not down for that. It's not their fault that the food is not to your liking. I understand maybe if the service isn't great - but either way, you should always tip!

    I disagree that you should ALWAYS tip. There have been two times in my life in which we have not tipped because the waitress/waiter forgot about us. Once we just had drinks, no order taken for 15 minutes. The other time we didn't get to order until twenty minutes later after finding our waitress in the back chatting it up. Sorry, I am not tipping someone who ignores me. I shouldn't have to go hunt someone down who should be doing their job instead of socializing. Of course now we just walk out if it's been ten minutes without a word from anyone. Someone rude will also get tipped less. And we tend to tip pretty well, especially to those who do a great job.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    When they bring you a fresh drink and leave the empty glass on the table. I really don't like that. It shows laziness on their part (I know sometimes they are very busy) and makes you look gluttonous.

    I'm happy to to tip well for service.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    I have control issues because I wouldn't get worked up and freak out if a server brought a glass of water I didn't ask for?

    I don't want people wasting my time. I want what I want for my money. Who goes to a restaurant let's say during their lunch break, only has that hour(let's say work is right next door, so you don't have to drive anywhere), you really want your server taking MORE TIME to do things you don't want, honestly? That could make you late getting back to work. That's not nice of the server to not think about your feelings and your time as a customer. For example, I don't tell my server I am ready to order if I am not ready. If they ask and I am not ready, I tell them. I am CONSIDERATE about their time, they should be CONSIDERATE of OURS.

    Also, at times we have been seated at small tables or been super crowded between the people we are seated between, especially with the menu holder advertisements already in the way as well as the ketchup bottles, the salt and pepper shakers, so if it's a restaurant that serves bread you need room for that, then appetizer plates if you order appetizers or just plates for the bread, others that are ordering water and a bar drink, etc. Get what I am saying here? WE NEED THE ROOM FOR THINGS *WE* *DO* want. Think about our confined spaces and how we are getting affected by something we don't need at our table. Even if we have a large table or just 2 people at a 4-seater booth, still, why have something on the table that is in the way that's not wanted? Also, why have someone go do that when I want a coke instead? If I want to order my food, but they just filled 4 glasses of water while I sat waiting to order. That's not fun, that's not good service if nobody at the table wants water. That's wasting our time, our server's time, and other people's time that the server is wasting that our server could be at their table getting something that is actually wanted.
  • ceruleanjen
    My #1 is when I hand the server my check and cash and am asked "do you need change?"

    How about "I'll be right back with your change," which gives me the option of telling him/her that we're all set.

    Why not just ask me if you can keep the change? You're asking for a tip, which is rude.

    Disclaimer: I usually tip 20%, but this just sets my teeth on edge.

    Or when they bring you back change that you need to break again. I think one waiter expected us to tip him in ten dollar bills.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    [Do you honestly think no one has ever intentionally or unintentionally not put in enough to cover the bill? Which is not even the point, anyway. I think you take things too personally, Cookie.

    This doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter what amount they have. It only matters that they are trying to get out of doing the FULL JOB(BEING LAZY).
  • ceruleanjen
    When you go twenty minutes after being seated and are way past being ready to order and have to go hunt down your waitress, who you find in the back chatting with a co-worker. :-/

    After 15 minutes, I'd leave the restaurant or after 10 minutes, go to the hostess stand to try to find a server. They have already gotten zero if it's 20 minutes before they even started.

    We definitely do that now. I guess we never thought something like that would happen. And it shouldn't.
  • Springs131
    Springs131 Posts: 56 Member
    Or when they bring you back change that you need to break again. I think one waiter expected us to tip him in ten dollar bills.

    First off, it's *YOUR* responsibility if you don't have other cash on you to *******TELL YOUR SERVER YOU WILL NEED SMALLER CHANGE. Are they a mind reader? We have smaller bills on us. If you give smaller bills, to me that shows how you are fishing for a tip and I hate when servers give you all ones let's say like when I have bought a daiquiri before and they could have given me a $5 bill for my change. That's when I started to tell them to give me a $5 bill back. Why don't you do the same, DUHH?

    Secondly, how is the waiter supposed to know that you have no small bills on you?

    Thirdly, who said that he expected that. He was just giving you change. If he gave you 10 one dollar bills, you'd be pissed that he was in a way asking for his tip by giving you all one dollar bills.

    If you want change a certain way, *SPEAK UP*. How does the waiter know you need small amounts of change? I have other money on me besides just what I gave. How does he know you don't? He doesn't have x-ray vision.

    I think the server should *ASK* if the customer doesn't say anything since it seems a lot of customers don't SPEAK UP.
  • zapinkleopard
    I agree with the below! They do become houdini when it's time for the check. Another time is once they serve you and quickly disappear never to be seen until you flag them down somewhere.