choose2care84 Member


  • Thanks. I sit on my butt all day as a I don't walk around the halls all day, unfortunately (for weight loss).
  • Yeah...I have always known it wasn't a good idea.... but I work in a medical field and I see Doctors do it ALL the time. One that I work really close with never eats lunch and has coffee instead. She's soo thin. But I don't think that's really healthy.. I like my 3 meals a day. Maybe I'll change up what I eat for lunch to…
  • Great tips everyone! Thanks. I think I need to plan for and bring a healthy afternoon snack (under 150 cals).
  • I found level two to be more about muscle building than's the jumping jacks in level 1 that get to me :) sorry to hear about your knees pp!
  • Just wanted to add that the best thing you can do for your body after attempting the 30 day shred is to do it again the very next day! I found I was sooo sore the first time I ever tried it and skipped a week before doing it again. Then this past fall, I was sore after the first day but did it again the very next day and…
  • I did the 30 day shred this morning! I plan to do it 2-3 times per week. I did it for a month straight back in the fall and found that I got really bored with it (I was doing it M-F then) and then stopped. But now I want to do it at least 2x per week because it helps work all your muscle groups. I love the feeling of…