

  • I took a Zumba class through Community Ed & loved it! Now I'm going to get the Zumba for either the Wii or Xbox Kinect! I've heard good things about them!
  • I have those days, about once a month, every month!! Hmmmm...I think it coincides with something else! I like the popcorn idea or try chewing gum. Sometimes it's not that I'm hungry, but my mouth wants to eat! Good luck!!
    in Hungry! Comment by New_ME42 January 2011
  • Hello Grandma Paige! (I like that, all my grandparents were gone before I was born) I wish there was a miracle answer for motivation! I think ultimately it has to come from within, but all the support you get from friends & family certianly helps tons! I am 42 & I come from a family who has always had weight issues. I have…