

  • Thanks! I think that's what I'll do. I was using the treadmill while the weather was bad but now it's turned nicer I will probably run outside and for longer which I think will be better for me.
  • Thanks Lorraine! I meant that I haven't made huge differences to my diet but the excercise is completely new to me. I used to be so sporty but I've just gotten lazy in the last few years and it's taking its toll now!! I wasn't going to the gym at all before and now I go 5 times a week.
  • yes, I did take pics (bikini pics!!) and I was planning to take some more tomorrow so we'll see then. I don't see how it can have changed much though if my measurements are still the same!!
  • Ok, thanks everyone! Simple answer - I need to step it up a gear!! I'll also see if I can alter my diet a little and see what happens. I've heard that bigger people lose weight faster and since I don't really have that much to lose, I thought maybe it might be slower for me - or is that a load of rubbish?! Hopefully I'll…
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