how long before you saw a result?

Suzie0034 Posts: 6
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm just wondering how long it took you all before you began to see results. I've only been doing this for four weeks and I haven't changed my diet much (counting the calories and usually staying under but my diet was good to start with) but I have been spending 30 minutes on the treadmill and doing abdominal excersises 5 days a week and I've seen absolutely no change! The scales are exactly the same, my measurments are exactly the same and in the mirror I don't look any different. I know it's early days but am I just being impatient or am I just not doing enough? Obviously I don't intend to lose weight overnight but I though I might have lost at least a pound or 2 by now!! I don't want to keep going to the gym every morning if it's not working!


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Ok.. not too disapoint but I lost within 1 week.. are you tracking your sodium, eating all your exercise cals back.. can you make your diary viewable.. maybe we can help!!
    Good luck and dont give up!!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    2 weeks for me, but i have done loads of walking and drank gallons of water and watching what i eat:flowerforyou:
  • I agree, check all your nutrients. 1500 calories of McDonalds is not the same as 1500 calories of veggies and lean protein. You need to play the careful balancing act.

    Also in your workout make sure you are pushing yourself so you sweat a lot aka burning more calories. If you need to exercise longer then so be it. If you need to simply push yourself a little more, so be it. Its all on you to push yourself to lose weight.
  • allie_00
    allie_00 Posts: 73
    Diet does play a pretty bit role. I've heard people say it's 80% diet, 20% exercise. I try to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day which seems to be working pretty well for me. I also try to eat as cleanly a possible and get at least 8 glasses of water in.I would log everything and make your diet public so that people can comment.

    Are you walking or jogging on the treadmill? My advice would be to get some weight training in there as well. Make those muscles bigger and stronger so that they're burning some of the fat when you aren't working out.

    Good luck! Stick with it :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    1-2 weeks. Maybe you entered some information wrong when you signed up? Like your activity level or something... I don't know. Good luck, hope you figure it out.
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    been doing this for a month now and saw results one week after...are you drinking enough water? maybe your body is retaining sodium? also, maybe you should step up your workout regimine to 45 mins vs 30 mins....i believe this is why im seeing fast results because i work out 6 times a week for about 45mins to sometimes an hour and a half
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    If your diet was already pretty good, you probably need to work on your exercise. Try upping your exercise and drinking more water.
  • deboyd5004
    deboyd5004 Posts: 14 Member
    Did you take 'before' pictures? I did this once, just because I felt like it. lol, Then every few weeks I would take another 'after' picture to see if there was any change. It's hard to see change in your own body because it's gradual. It was much easier to see the change when you have two pictures sitting side by side. Even if your measurements are the same, you never know.... Speaking of which...I probably need to get on a before picture for this journey too :).
  • Ok, thanks everyone! Simple answer - I need to step it up a gear!! I'll also see if I can alter my diet a little and see what happens. I've heard that bigger people lose weight faster and since I don't really have that much to lose, I thought maybe it might be slower for me - or is that a load of rubbish?!
    Hopefully I'll be posting in the "success stories" forum next time! ;-)
  • If you haven't changed much in your diet and exercise since starting, and your habits were good to begin with then it's probably not surprising that you haven't seen much of a change. My mom has commented that because she has a very active job (she works in a hospital) that active lifestyle is her baseline and she has to do work harder and above that line to see any results. It could also be, not only the possibility of eating too much or miscalculating portion sizes - but it could be that you are not eating enough. Your body will not let go of fat if it feels that it is in starvation mode. I have a couple friends who actually started losing weight when they started eating MORE. Seems crazy but it is true.
  • yes, I did take pics (bikini pics!!) and I was planning to take some more tomorrow so we'll see then. I don't see how it can have changed much though if my measurements are still the same!!
  • If you haven't changed much in your diet and exercise since starting, and your habits were good to begin with then it's probably not surprising that you haven't seen much of a change. My mom has commented that because she has a very active job (she works in a hospital) that active lifestyle is her baseline and she has to do work harder and above that line to see any results. It could also be, not only the possibility of eating too much or miscalculating portion sizes - but it could be that you are not eating enough. Your body will not let go of fat if it feels that it is in starvation mode. I have a couple friends who actually started losing weight when they started eating MORE. Seems crazy but it is true.
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    If you are eating healthy and at/near your calorie goal as stated, I'd agree with a couple other comments about ramping up the workout duration and intensity. Once I started doing kick-your-butt workouts I saw results. For me, 90min Extreme Spin classes and hard kickboxing classes seem to be the ticket but I'm sure there are many other options you may like better. Get the heart rate up and keep it up for longer periods. Of course to do all this at a careful pace and build your endurance
  • If you haven't changed much in your diet and exercise since starting, and your habits were good to begin with then it's probably not surprising that you haven't seen much of a change. My mom has commented that because she has a very active job (she works in a hospital) that active lifestyle is her baseline and she has to do work harder and above that line to see any results. It could also be, not only the possibility of eating too much or miscalculating portion sizes - but it could be that you are not eating enough. Your body will not let go of fat if it feels that it is in starvation mode. I have a couple friends who actually started losing weight when they started eating MORE. Seems crazy but it is true.

    Thanks Lorraine! I meant that I haven't made huge differences to my diet but the excercise is completely new to me. I used to be so sporty but I've just gotten lazy in the last few years and it's taking its toll now!! I wasn't going to the gym at all before and now I go 5 times a week.
  • If you are eating healthy and at/near your calorie goal as stated, I'd agree with a couple other comments about ramping up the workout duration and intensity. Once I started doing kick-your-butt workouts I saw results. For me, 90min Extreme Spin classes and hard kickboxing classes seem to be the ticket but I'm sure there are many other options you may like better. Get the heart rate up and keep it up for longer periods. Of course to do all this at a careful pace and build your endurance

    Thanks! I think that's what I'll do. I was using the treadmill while the weather was bad but now it's turned nicer I will probably run outside and for longer which I think will be better for me.
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