

  • I'm here. I'm here. I've been around a little while had success lost 12 kg and then put 3kg back on and hovered ever since. Trying desperatly to get back into it. I live in South East Melb.
  • Totally depends on all the details as above including how fit you are. Also any medications. For example I'm on Beta Blockers for Blood pressure and migraine so my heart rate will NEVER get that high Some people can get higher than others. If you don't eat them back don't stress just use it as a guide.
  • Love it, thanks made my decision now... I currently own a One, i want a flex. Gonna get one now :)
  • Try Amiigo, it does reps and sets and has been set to pick up things like that. It has a foot clip as part of it too.
  • i'm in. joined the group.
  • Hi. I'm 30 years old and live in Melbourne VIC feel free to add me also. I've got a journey ahead of me but have recently lost 11kg and am going to the gym 3 times per week at the moment. and loving it! best of luck on your journey.
  • I don't eat mine back. I will only go over my budget of cals if I've exercised and i'm really hungry. otherwise I just eat what I'm due to eat. I find eating them back doesn't work for me all the time so it's never intentional for me. Diet is great but it's not the be all and end all eventually you need to exercise. And…
  • Macros are things like fiber, protein. Carbs, sodium, sugar. You should eat a min and max of these each day to ensure you get a balanced diet. MFP works out your daily levels. I started on calories ignoring that until i started feeling comfortable with calories. Click on someones name to view the profile then click add…
    in WW vs MFP Comment by kazlee66 June 2013
  • MFP can be the same and can be way off. Mine was I googled TDEE calculators and picked a few (I'm a bit OCD so I did 8 sites to get my average) then I looked at the differences and picked an average and went from there. So many websites give different results so It can be hard. IIFYM is a good site. My brother is a PT and…
    in TDEE diet? Comment by kazlee66 June 2013
  • I too have done both. Until March this year I had been doing WW Au for over 3 years with success followed by gains and then back to square one. I had a hard time deciding between the both and you know what? I've learnt so much more about nutrition doing it the simple way. Calories in vs calories out! Points now don't make…
    in WW vs MFP Comment by kazlee66 June 2013
  • Medicines have alot to do with it too. I take beta blockers and it drops my heart rate and makes it hard to impossible to get the heart rate high and keep it there. I dont count my cals burned anyway but use it as a guide.
  • Me too.. My thoughts exactly
  • Ive been suffering with PF for nearly a year and its almost healed. I stretch quite a few times a day, i at night roll my foot and heel over a golf ball, and i began walking barefoot. These have all helped incredibly and i rarely have pain now unless I've had a big day on my feet. Stretching is important but as someone…
  • Hi There. I just bought a Suunto Quest today and wondered how you have gone with this issue? is the calorie still way off or is it closer than previously thought?
  • Hi. I too am doing Round 2.. I need to lose a lot of weight and I only really started the 12WBT in order to gain some more education and ideas and have the support. I had lost 8.4kg prior to starting simply by following my TDEE. I lost my weight on 1600-1800 Calories per day to give you an idea and I am not doing 1200 now.…
  • I have a fitbit One and I love it! I wear it 24/7. it tracks my steps, calories, floors, distance and sleep. I only take off when having a shower. it's great. So worth the money.
  • Im in cranbourne!
  • I make a smoothie, with a banana, raspberries, low fat milk, and low fat yoghurt. it's quite nice and filling. i take it to work with me and have it there, and usually have morning tea as well. on weekends i'll have something a bit more filling. But it's a good start to my day. 2 serves of fruit and 2 serves of dairy.
  • I'm 30 , married and live in Melbourne I have 60-70 kg to lose in order for me to feel healthy. I'd need to lose more to get to "healthy weight range" Feel free to add me, the more support we have the better!
  • Hi.. 30 year old living in Melbourne. Just started this 1 week ago. After trying Weight Watchers and just not being able to stick to it, i'm looking to have a good loss my first week. Could use some motivation , I've got 60+ kilo's to lose! Kaz
  • Absolutely... Even if it's "present" at the time i know it's coming that day since my weight just goes straight up. I hate it but i guess that's just part of being a female i guess. the only thing i guess we can do is to plan somewhat for it and just do what we can.
  • i've only been doing calories for just under a week and so far feel great. and Yes i do track EVERYTHING. including the spices and canola spray. I have a bit of weight to lose so i need to see exactly what i'm putting in especially to start with so that i can be truthful about what it is i used to eat without thinking…