Are you 100% honest with your food diary?



  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
  • Mischieviousme777
    Mischieviousme777 Posts: 190 Member
    Mostly. But not miniscule things like a spray of Pam or a dash of seasoning for recipes.

    ^^ this. the only thing I don't log is my green tea... with honey. But in my defense, I don't always use honey.
  • RhiannonLeighh
    RhiannonLeighh Posts: 46 Member
    I really hate when people say they don't log tea, coffee and other drinks. It still has a nutritional value!!
    I mean, 2-3 coffees a day can easily be upwards of 150 extra calories!
    What? Black coffee has, at most 4 calories per cup. An entire pot of coffee will have less than 50 calories.

    Take away coffee that is made on entirely milk can be really high in calories. Or instant with milk and sugar.
  • I would say, if it is a healthy snack like a carrot or a bite of my roommate's soup, no, I don't count it. But every naughty cookie that passes my lips gets recorded. It's like a punishment to myself. I still have my diary hidden though; the naughty snacks are embarrassingly recurrent ????
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm honest

    However I lack consistency, i.e. I have days where I end up not logging, but this is because of a lack of organisation, not any dishonesty. I could probably log what I ate even so, if the food diary had a function whereby you could log the food but not the calories under some label like "chicken vindaloo - don't know the calories because I was halfway through making it when I realised I'd forgotten to weigh half the ingredients" or some such thing
  • Mostly. But not miniscule things like a spray of Pam or a dash of seasoning for recipes.

  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Absolutely and i weigh everything.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    Yes I log every thing that goes in my mouth! The good, the bad, and even the ugly. It's the best way to keep myself accountable for my choices!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Yeah, I weigh most things out. if anything I'm slightly over with stuff like butter/jam/sauces - I tend to thinly spread with those type of things, not because I'm trying to save calories. I weigh them every so often to make sure I'm still on the right track but we're only talking like a gram out so I'm not too bothered there.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    How can tea or coffee be 200 calories if you don't sweeten them?
  • LeeLeeLooLoo51812
    LeeLeeLooLoo51812 Posts: 26 Member
    I used to have CHEAT days where I didnt log at all, but honestly, so pointless. Now, even if I want to eat something I know isnt good. I log it so at least I know where my calories went.
    I dont log like others said, mustard (Which says 0 calories anyways)

    But yes, log EVERYTHING
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    On the days I log yes honest.
  • kazlee66
    kazlee66 Posts: 25
    i've only been doing calories for just under a week and so far feel great. and Yes i do track EVERYTHING. including the spices and canola spray. I have a bit of weight to lose so i need to see exactly what i'm putting in especially to start with so that i can be truthful about what it is i used to eat without thinking twice. Although in the past with Weight Watchers i've wanted to not track, i've learnt that it hasnt changed the result in the end, only my delusion that i've eaten well.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I log everything as accurately as possible.

    There are some things that I have to guesstimate, especially when I eat out at a restaurant that does not give calorie estimates.

    I even log my "no-calorie" sweetener, which actually has 4 calories per serving and my fish oil supplements which pack a 18 calories into each capsule.

    If I were to eat 1,000 calories over, I'd log it, just so that I could look back and see how my eating that week affected my weight in the days and weeks afterward. So far, I've not gone over by 1,000 calories, but then, I've not had a birthday since I joined MFP either. ;-)
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Yes, I measure everything.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Mostly. But not miniscule things like a spray of Pam or a dash of seasoning for recipes.


    If you don't log something and aren't as honest as you can be, then when things slow down or stop working then you won't know exactly what it is you need to change because it wasn't logged. And then, of course, the thing you will need to change is the fact that you don't log everything. :flowerforyou:
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    ABSOLUTELY YES every day every calorie! Other wise what the point!? If I had a lab I'd have them doing tests to determine exact calories! :bigsmile:
  • RhiannonLeighh
    RhiannonLeighh Posts: 46 Member
    A medium cappuccino on full cream milk from Maccas is 165cal.
  • orthopgk
    orthopgk Posts: 3
    Being a busy professional, its really impossible for me to enter small tidbits like pickles, an occasional biscuit, chutney, sauce, toffee, etc.. but I try to compensate by entering slightly more in the mains than I actually consume. eg. if I consume 200 g of rice, I log 1 cup or approx. 220 g. Plus, I under-add a few extra minutes of exercise. Like, if I have run for 33 min. I add 30 min to my diary or If I have walked for 24 min, I add 20 min. In this way I try to compensate about 80 to100 cal daily.
    Hope that is honest enough!! :happy:
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Being a busy professional, its really impossible for me to enter small tidbits like pickles, an occasional biscuit, chutney, sauce, toffee, etc.. but I try to compensate by entering slightly more in the mains than I actually consume. eg. if I consume 200 g of rice, I log 1 cup or approx. 220 g. Plus, I under-add a few extra minutes of exercise. Like, if I have run for 33 min. I add 30 min to my diary or If I have walked for 24 min, I add 20 min. In this way I try to compensate about 80 to100 cal daily.
    Hope that is honest enough!! :happy:

    I'm a busy professional too - I use the quick add function of i've grabbed something at a morning tea or something. I overestimate what it's probably worth and enter it so I don't eat too much at the end :)