

  • When money is involved I am quite a focused person, and I am super competitive, so this is certainly being used to spur me on. I have found some sort of sick thrill in challenging myself and doing stupid things. The last one was getting on a train with no money, no phone or anything, and getting off the train 10 miles from…
  • Going well! Now 189lbs. I've turned into a right fitness freak! Exercising every day, lots of road running and hardly any beer! Hopefully I will reach my goal or be close to it in the next 2 weeks. Going to have a final push for the next 2 weeks. Having lost 18lbs in 6 weeks I am looking like getting close to my target by…
  • Plateau is generally purely down to doing the same things all the time... regardless whether it is exercise or diet, you need to change what you do regulary otherwise it is human nature for your body to adapt to having less calories and slow down your metabolism ( go on 'energy saving mode' ) or in the case of exercise,…
  • Have one rest day where you up your calories to the reccomended amount for weight maintenece... this will shock the body and stop it from thinking 1200 calories is 'the norm' and adapting for this. You really do need to do exercise with the dieting to have maximum effect, even if it's just walking instead of driving etc...
  • You should ideally be going well over ( say about 1500 calories ) and burning off 3 or 400. If you are just dieting and eating 900-11 calories a day then it is not good for your long term health. Go over, give yourself a treat/reward then burn it back down to below 1200 calories.
  • Yes, there are 2 zones to train in... fat burning zone ( generally 60-80% of maximum heart rate ) , generally a brisk walk will get you up to the required heart rate. And Cardio Zone, where you train between 80 and 90% of your maximum heart rate. Fat burning will make you lose weight but you won't feel as much of the…
  • Walking 1 mile briskly burns around the same calories as jogging 1 mile... but will obviously take you longer. For best results, put some hills into your walk/run and/or mix jogging and walking... walk for 2 minutes then jog for 1 minute... gradually reverse it until you are able to run constantly without the need to walk.…
  • You should fit in one rest day a week, not just from exercise, but diet too... With regards to exercise, you need to allow your body to recover, you shouldn't do weight training 2 days running on the same part of the body, so for example work legs one day, arms the next, core the next, shoulder the next, or a full workout…
  • Make sure you are recording your net calories AFTER exercise. If you are eating 1200 calories a day then going to the gym, it could be that your net calories is only 700 calories ( presuming you burn 500 in the gym ) which is far too low. This sends your body into starvation mode so it will store any food you intake. Make…
  • Set yourself goals, maybe things that you have always wanted to do but thought they might be out of reach. Maybe a fun run, or half marathon or something... then train towards that. Or choose a hobby which involves a relative amount of fitness and one which will keep you fit doing it... swimming, cycling, even golf. Keep…