

  • Thanks everyone for such nice and encouraging words. :blushing: Today was just so trying and exhausting, and with the next storm coming in dropping yet another foot of snow, I'm about at my wits end. I think I just need a good night's rest, and yes, my ticker is my goal eventually (LOL at goat btw :laugh: ) The brownies…
  • First of all, let me commend you on a GREAT job so far!! As far as plateau, do you take your measurements along with jumping on the scale? Depending on your workout and what it entails (weights, cardio, strength training) just the scale alone won't be a complete picture of your weight. Your body metrics will also be a good…
  • Love love love this post, especially going into the weekend - my hardest days of the week to slip :blushing: I also love this bullet point and I really do have to remind myself of this everyday. It's really not about losing weight anymore, but changing my life for the better! f) eat healthy, exercise and if you lose weight…
  • You know, I just might do that. I really enjoy eating fresh fruit everyday, it's such a great snack and I feel so much better knowing I'm eating something healthy. I really do want to watch my sugar intake, but I was just frustrated always going over when I eat fruit. Thanks for the feedback! :happy:
  • You could also get a pedometer and attach it to your shoe or waistband. Start it in the morning and then see how many steps (miles) you walk in a day. I do agree with the above poster about everday household chores. Personally I don't count that in my daily exercise, only the 60 minute torture session every night :happy:…
  • Here's my discourage story (and a small triumph): I too weigh myself everyday, even tho I've told myself "just weigh on Sundays". Never happens :smile: This week, I haven't lost one pound, still the same weight as last week, and I felt the same way you did "How can this be??". Until I tried on a pair of pants I haven't…
  • I've bought the Turkey kielbasa before and it's pretty tasty. I heat it up in a saute pan and like it plain with just mustard :happy:
  • I need a chocolate fix maybe every month or so. I found a good chocolate treat are Ghirardelli - 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Chips. Serving size is 16 chips. I just put them in a small bowl and munch one at a time. Low in calories/fat/sugar and a it supresses my urge to buy a Snickers bar! The darker the chocolate the…
  • I used to work a 4/10 shift (4 x 10 hour days) and often felt the same way when I would get home (they were overnight shifts to boot). I found that if I worked out in the morning right after I got off shift, it actually helped me sleep better when I finally did get to bed vs. waking up and having to work out before I go to…
  • This sounds silly, but totally works for me. I print out a calender of the month and tape it to the wall in front of my treadmill. Everyday I work out I put a big red X and a smiley face. Every day I don't (and for this month, there's only been the first 4 days of the month - yay me) I put a big black X with a frown. For…
  • What are you eating with such a high calorie count? I'm interested because I can barely just make my calories for the day and often come under my goal.
  • Oh how that would be absolute heaven if that were true. I'm betting it is 170 per serving. The cake mix would likely say "12 servings per box" or something like that. I would seriously buy stock in any company that could make a 7 calorie cupcake :D
  • Thank you thank you thank you for suggesting www.sparkrecipe.com! I was *just* thinking about this last night and was going to google search this today to see if there was just this type of site out there. I make almost all of my dinner meals from scratch (nothing boxed or processed) and would also like to add just the…
  • Nuts! Great source of protein, good source of "good" fats and definitely calories are there. The one thing I do not like about the MFP fat log, is that they are allocating way too many saturated fats and 0 for monounsaturated, which in my opinion is far better than saturated fats. I just happened to notice that when I…
  • I toast my rice in a dry pan with about a tsp of unsalted real butter before I cook it. It really brings out the nutty flavor of the rice. Then, like a poster stated above, I use chicken broth (low-sodium) instead of water. I also dry toast up some almonds and will fold them in at the end. For spices, you can take a tip…
  • Frozen processed meals are filled with sodium, ugh. Most of the "lean" meals like Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine are so high in sodium it's ridiculous. I started looking at frozen meals that I would buy, and then just buy the ingredients to make it yourself. I was diagnosed with hyper tension a few years ago when my blood…
  • Depending on your daily calorie intake vs. your daily exercise and how much calories you are burning, I would suggest a weekly goal of weight loss. For me, I'm working on 10lb increments per month. That averages between 2-3lbs a week which is working out well so far based on how much I'm eating vs. how much I'm working out…
  • 100% agree on buying the plain yogurt (Greek yogurt, if you can find it, delish!). The small individual size yogurts that claim "no fat" or "low fat" with fruit at the bottom....well, the less fat that's added, the more SUGAR they add to make it taste half-way decent for the public to want to buy them. Sugar is by far my…