Paulala Member


  • Wow! Thanks! I am going to try this!!!!
  • Hi - I think you have come to the right place! It really helps to track what you eat and I am sure you will reach your goals! I vacationed in Vancouver BC once and it is absolutely one of the nicest places I have ever been! I loved the ORCA 's statues all over the city! WE have a town north of us that has the same sort of…
  • I'm in... and up for this!
  • Yes I can relate..I went to a buffet and had a divine piece of cheese cake...I thought OK I can deal with equates to roughly half a pound of body fat (1500 calories over my limit) and I got right back on track the next day and gave alittle extra for excercise the rest of the week..parked farther from the entrance…
  • That is an extremely good article, I want my children to read. Thankyou!
  • Welcome - This is a great site, traditional diets never fit my life style but tracking what I eat ... I can do and when I look at it in terms of simple math ...3500 calories burned= one pound ...I can handle that.... :) Good luck to you all!
  • I don't drink milk either though I don't worry about it because I can get my calcium from other sources. After reading these posts I do think I will try the almond milk...I like to have something for my breakfast cereal.
  • Yes! Thanks for posting these!:smile: