Hi Ladies I wanted to introduce myself, My name is Mel (34) and I have PCOS. I have had it for 4 years now and I have been dealing with this on my own. I am really looking for, like-minded ladies who know what I am going through and help me manage this. From what I can find this is going to be with me for life. So if there…
Please add me as I need all the motivation to be active. :-) //
Hi ya My doctor was heavy on the weight loss. I did not think I was that heavy or fat. but because I have a goal for my self, I have taken it seriously. I never weighed myself before I just used to judge by what size cloths I was wearing (size 16 or 18) and maintained it that way. I am due to see my consultant/doctor in a…
Hello I have been told 4 months ago that I have PCSO by my doctors and there advice was to loose weight I hope to join this group as you guys are like minded and will have the same drive as I that will help me motivated and stick with my weight. I hope I can find new friends and help support each other reaching our goals.…