Salema Member


  • Welcome to the Group... This is a great support group and the tools are awesome... Wish you the best of luck...
  • Congratulations... you're doing great. MFP is a great because it holds you accountable. I love it and I've lost 4.6 lbs this week. Keep up the good work everyone!
    in hello Comment by Salema February 2008
  • Mini goals are wonderful... You can do it... Stay focused on the little prize and reward yourself when you do it. Personally, I like shoes -- so when I reach that Mini goal I'm off to my favorite shoe store. I'll be 40 in a couple weeks. I didn't want to enter my 40's in the 200's but I know it is not realistic. But my…
  • Congratulations... You should be VERY proud of yourself...
    in Yes!!!! Comment by Salema February 2008
  • I eat from the outside of the store perimeter only. No processed food. I also eat 6 times a day. My grandparents lived to be a hundred and she smoked. She just always believed that the body couldn't break down processed by man not God. A typical lunch or even a snack would consist of 1/2 cup fruit, 1/2 cup raw or steamed…
  • We started a biggest loser contest at work today so I can see how the big cash out is a great motivator. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you.
  • Hi everyone... I am new to My Fitness Pal. A friend introduced me to the site and really liked it. I can see why. My husband and I both joined this evening and we are really liking what we see. I've been down the weight loss road so many times. Starting at the young age of 19 I had my stomach stapled. Lost 60+ lbs and…
  • Together with God, all things are possible...
    in Hi all.. Comment by Salema February 2008
  • I'm new too... Good luck to you and keep in touch.