Txladykat Member


  • Nature's Own wheat bread, topped with two sunny side up eggs and turkey bacon. Oh so good! It is also my go too when I need a quick low cal dinner because I ate to many at lunch :wink:
  • mafia wars and way too much of it, LOL. Although lately I have been exchanging some FB time for Wii time :)
  • How often are you doing the cardio and weigh training? That is a lot if you are doing both in the same day - if so you need to consider that in your daily calorie intake because if you are not getting enough calories it will actually hinder your weight loss. Its all about balance, sometimes it takes a few weeks to get the…
    in HELP Comment by Txladykat January 2011
  • nice, I wish they would do that here. Your larger chains have them online, but it would be awesome to be able to sit down and look at the menu and see them there in front of you rather than having to wait until you get home to look it up (when its too late LOL)
  • Thanks for the quick replies everyone. They were from a restaurant and they don't post nutritional info on their website. I had already done what yall suggested (went somewhere in the middle) so I am on the right track then. Probably a bad choice to have chosen stuffed crab anyhow...but that is one of the pitfalls of meal…