Any suggestions on what changes i can make. I am following this low GI eating plan and i am doing 1 hour of cardio and 1 hour of weight training. It's been a week and i have only lost 0.6lbs. I kinda expected my first week to have a higher weight loss.

Did anyone else start with a slow but then pick up on their weekly weight loss?


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    It's not uncommon to start out slow. Sometimes the body resists weight loss, but it doesn't mean that you're not still burning fat. Just be sure that you're eating under the calorie goal every day.
  • mzdiana87
    mzdiana87 Posts: 22 Member
    Got it! thanks for the input it really helps...i was starting to think that i was wasting my time..
  • Txladykat
    Txladykat Posts: 6 Member
    How often are you doing the cardio and weigh training? That is a lot if you are doing both in the same day - if so you need to consider that in your daily calorie intake because if you are not getting enough calories it will actually hinder your weight loss. Its all about balance, sometimes it takes a few weeks to get the right balance of exercise and calories for your body.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I have decided that our bodies have a whole plan about which we are only marginally aware. Sometimes, you will do the same things and lose weight without being able to explain it and other times, you will do everything right, expect a great loss, and stay flat.

    I can only suggest that you keep on doing the right things, balancing your calories, working your plan, and in time, the results will come. I know this is frustrating, but it really seems to be the way it goes.

    Good Luck!!!

  • lisabernard
    lisabernard Posts: 59 Member
    Don't be slave to the scale. How are you feeling? Do you have more energy? Are the exercises getting easier? give it some time and then go by how your clothes fit. I've been told that muscle weighs more than fat. I've also been told that your body will hold onto fat if you "don't eat enough". So make sure you are getting ENOUGH food, just make it healthy. It will happen - you are doing great!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    You may be also building muscle and with muscle heavier than fat this could account for your small weight loss. By the way Congrats on the weight loss!! You may also want to track things by measuring yourself, just another option as you may be losing inches but not weight and this is good as well.

    Good Luck :happy:
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi! The hardest thing for me was the scale! You lost .6 LBS!!! Yeayyy! You did not gain .6 LBS! hang in there. I so remember when the scale determined how I felt and looked. Judge yourself by your energy and inches!!! Good luck!
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I just posted this on another thread... but if you are doing weight training, and this is something you weren't accustomed to doing before trying to lose weight, then you may actually be losing more than the scale says you are! That's because muscle weighs more than fat! So, as you weight train, you are gaining muscle mass! I recommend getting one of those flexible rulers that seamstresses wear and measure your arms, thighs, waist, and hips weekly. I bet you'll see a bigger difference there than you will on the scale!
  • mzdiana87
    mzdiana87 Posts: 22 Member
    This is really motivating and it makes complete sense now. I do feel more energy now and i think that i am gaining more muscle which could be why the scale is not showing a lot of lbs lost. Thanks everyone you input is greatly appreciated, im really new this writting down and keeping track of all these numbers.