Aethelstan Member


  • Thanks for the replies everyone, definitely some food for thought there (no pun intended). Most interesting is this addiction to sugar mentioned. I never thought about it like that and now it makes sense. I often get cravings for sweets so I must try and keep that in check.
  • Also I am using this week to more get used to counting what is in what, and seeing where I can improve. It was my wifes birthday yesterday, our anniversary today and my 40th tomorrow. I know I am going to eat more than I should, the real dieting starts on friday :)
  • Had a cappuccino with 2 sugars, was counting that in the 1200 ;)
  • Thanks for the replies, I figured it would be high but guessed around 500 calories. How wrong was I?! Luckily we walked to and from the restaurant so we bagged just under 300 cals, and if I put it down as 1200 that leaves me with 800 for this evening which is not too bad I guess.