Yes, Ma'am. If you don't like Brussels sprouts, then you haven't had them prepared "correctly."
I'm a McIntosh addict! I also enjoy a lot of the hybrids with a mac, but just straight is perfect! Also Honeycrisp.
Cauliflower. Feels.....mealy. Uck.
This is exactly the attitude you should have. Well said!
Obviously I would have a piece of my birthday cake. ;) Moderation is key. Be naughty! Just be thoughtful about your naughtiness. Enjoy your day. Have a happy birthday!
I don't have much to offer anymore as to my geekdom, but I was a not-so-closet D&D player in high school. (v 3 because taking advantage of ranger rocks) I adore Harry Potter and I rather enjoy LOTR. Most of all I just enjoy people that are comfortable enough with themselves to be real. We should be friends. :)
I agree with swimming. I have feet and knee injuries and that's one of the best ways to really punish the calories out! Also gives you lovely strong legs without the squats... ouch!
dental work
Lovely eyes!
EDIT: Pass, but your hair is so pretty, MrsPhan!
Pass, you naughty playa. Look at your friends list!! lol
Hmmm, besides not having enough water, is it possible that the foods you are eating are causing a bit of bloat? When I cut certain things out of my diet, I notice it in about 5 days by way of a much flatter stomach without weight loss. Best of luck.
Not particularly concerned about myself, perhaps more for you, Sir. :)
Well, if you do, then I'll do my best to overlook it. :p
I am also a major sweet tooth! When I get munchy, or crave anything that is on the "moderation list" I make sure to drink a full glass of water with my favorite Mio flavor in it. Then I have a piece of fruit (eaten over a ten minute period while I distract myself with internet or whatever to prolong the time) and THEN I…
I think you look lovely, though. I am jealous about your arms! Working my way there. Have you considered that you may just have a ballet body instead? Long and lean muscles aren't anything to be dismissed. Best of luck on your journey!